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George's POV
It was Sapnap and I know it. I don't want to tell her that but I know I should.. I didn't go back to sleep last night but instead sat on the couch in the dark.

Dawn broke over the horizon by the time the fire was completely out. (Y/N) opened the door to the house and stepped in, covered in ash and smelling of smoke. I stood up and almost ran to her.

"God, are you ok?" I asked, she bent slightly and let out a dry, raspy cough. "Yeah, I'm ok. We got the fires out and I helped everyone with there burns. But, for some reason I can't heal myself." She replied. I didnt think much of the last part. I sighed in relief.

"Uhm, how about you go take a shower and I'll make us breakfast or something, ok?" I inquired, she nodded and shuffled to her room. Her once white wings tinged gray from the cinders. I nearly tip-toed to the kitchen. God why do I seem so week?

All I've been doing this passed week or so is crying and making people pity me. I'm so much better than that! I opened the cabinets in the kitchen looking for somthing. I finally settled on making French toast. It was an easy dish and I got it all plated with cups of tea by the time (Y/N) got out of the shower.

"Smells good," she said, I turned towards her. She changed out of her dirty sleepwear into a clean t-shirt and trousers. "I made French toast," I said. She made 'hm' noise as she sat down at the island. I set the plate in front of her and set mine down as well across from her. I stood as I ate.

Back to normal POV
You and George ate in silence. He was actually pretty good at cooking. You glance over at the broken shattered glass from the light bulb that you never cleaned up, it almost made you laugh. You picked up your tea to take a sip.

"So, when was Dream here?" You choked on your drink at his question. Your eyes blurry with tears as continued to cough up the tea you just inhaled.

"Uhm, 2 nights ago," you responded once you recuperated yourself. George's head shot up.
"What?? 2 nights ago?!" You nodded. Then something clicked for him just like it had to you.

He wasn't back at the castle cause he was here.

He dropped his head back down. "Ohhh," he said. You stifled a chuckle but he heard it anyway. "Hey don't laugh at me," he joke with a smile. You didn't ask anything else about how he new Dream was here. The blankets George was using were the same ones Dream was using. There was obviously some indication from scent or something like that.

You both continued eating while having a nice conversation. When you finished eating George took the plates and put them in the sink.

"So this might sound really stupid, but I'm going to go back to the castle." He said. You slammed your hand down on the table.

"Why?!?" You shouted. George sighed. "Not to stay there, I'll go there for a few hours at a time; I don't want to put you in more danger by me being here. If I can act like I'm still fighting this war in side, he'll trust me enough to give me information that I can give to you!" You placed a hand on your forehead and squeezed your eyes shut.

"Alright, I'm not forcing you to stay here so guess you can go back If you want too." George smiled before he walked over to his chest. While George got his materials from his chest, you went over to your room to get really for the day. You put on a simple outfit because you doubted something would happen today:

 You put on a simple outfit because you doubted something would happen today:

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You finished getting ready the same time George did. When you walked out of your room he was just closing his chests. You helped him out through the back door and you both dug a small hole-big enough for him to get through-in the wall so he could get out.

You walked back into the house and flopped down in the couch. You decided to clean up a bit before getting settled in. You stood up to put the blankets away. But instead you just fixed them on the couch because you knew George would be coming back.

You washed the dishes from breakfast and put them back into the cupboard. You brewed yourself another cup of tea and sat down on the couch. The opened up the page in the End book you had started reading a few days prior. 6:00 (yes, you did read for 10 hours 😌) PM rolled around when you decided to skip the meeting for tonight.

You called a crow from outside and wrote a note explaining why you wouldn't be there and then tied it to its leg. You have the crow some seed before having it fly off towards the castle.

It was then you heard a knock on your front door. You opened it and Tommy stood on the other side with his signature red and white t-shirt on. You quirked an eyebrow at his presence.

"Hey (Y/N)~," he stretched out the last syllable of your name. "Are you busy right now?" You pondered for a moment before responding. "No, why?" Tommy smiled a bit, "do you wanna head back to my house to get the rest of my stuff?"

"Sure, why not." Tommy pumped his fist into the air and backed up so you could step out of your house. "Fuck yeah," he nearly yelled. You glanced around at the trees along the walls. They were completely burnt. Their bark caked with ash and looked like they would crumble at any given moment.

You walked out of the doorway and closed the door behind you. The two of you headed it towards the 'embassy' which was just what Tommy called his shack of a house. You both had a good conversation on the way there, talking, laughing, making jokes, almost as if the events which occurred a few hours ago didn't even happen.

You and Tommy made it to his house in no time. When you got there your conversation didn't end and you were being quite loud while  packing the rest of his things. A voice from outside the shack interrupted your voices.

"What did I say about being in my land?" Dream said. You whipped around and stared through the open doorway. All of the compassion he had shown when he stayed at your house was gone. Tommy spook up.

"Uhm-," you didn't let Tommy finish before you grasped his hand and pulled him down the path. You both sprinted away from his home. Luckily you had almost everything from the chests so it didn't really matter.

That was when the ground began to shake. You and Tommy both made eye contact before looking back at the embassy. Dream rigged explosives through the whole thing and when we ran, he triggered them. The hut was engulfed in flames and explosions were still going off. Dream was no where to be seen.

You slowed to a speed walk as you got maybe half a mile from L'manburg. The sun was almost set and it was quite dark.

"We should tell Wilbur about this," you said after a while. Tommy just nodded in response. "First Tubbo's house now mine?! Who does this dickhead think he is," he said angrily.

You made it back to L'manburg and Wilbur stood outside the camarvan waiting for you.

"Ah! Thank god your ok. We heard explosions and thought something bad happened to you," Wilbur said. Tommy scoffed.

"Yeah something had happened! Dream blew up the embassy," Wilbur seemed taken back. "You got your stuff at least correct?" Wilbur asked. Tommy nodded and the three of you walked into the camarvan.

1345 words
So it's been like a week, I'd say I've been busy but I really havnt. Thank you for 250 views though! I have some really good ideas planned for the next 1-2 chapters so I hope I can get those out soon. Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

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