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You sat in front of your fire place until midnight rolled around. It wasn't even lit, just staring at the burnt embers. When you could hear the faint chime of the grand father clock downstairs striking midnight, you stood up, grabbed your shulker box, and pushed open the window in front of you and you stood in the frame.

You turned around, looking at your bedroom door before jumping out of the window. Flapping your wings to catch air before you hit the ground. Making your way through the dark to get to L'manburg. You could see the outline out the flag, so you landed on it. Scouting for Tommy. He was squatting down in prime path, the same place as before.

You glided down, landing behind him. This startled him, and he spun around holding a small knife pointed towards your throat. You held your arms up in self defense.

"Woah, chill it's just me," you took one of your hands and lightly pushed down the knife he was holding. He let out a sigh a relief and looked up towards the sky with his eyes closed.

He looked back towards you, "Jesus (Y/N), you scared the shit out of me." You mumbled a quick sorry before making your way to Tommy's home. Your Shulker box was tucked away safely in your inventory, ready for use.
Just beyond the walls of L'manburg, you could feel someone's eyes on you.

"Have you thought about Wilbur's offer?" Tommy said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," you replied.


"I think I'm gonna do it. When I got back to the castle today, Nightmare was furious that I had left the castle without asking. Saying that I could've gotten hurt. I'm a god for Christ sake!
I have healing powers! I'm not going to get hurt to the point where I could have real damage." You both talked in hushed voices, your yells barely raising above a whisper, "I don't know why he cares so much. It's not like he even wants me there anyway."

"What about XD?" Tommy questioned looking at you. You didn't look at him, but continued to look forward.

"He seemed concerned. But he knows that I can handle myself. Probably just a little worried as to where I went is all," you replied.

In soon time, you made it to Tommy's home. You stepped inside, placing down your shulker box, and ender chest that you emptied when you got back to the castle earlier that day. Tommy re-lit one of the torches on the wall and opened a double chest.

"You can start on that one, I'll work on the smaller ones," you nodded.

You filled up your shulker completely and placed it back into your inventory, along with your now full ender chest. Finishing almost 2 full chests, your inventory was completely full. Tommy was able to clean out 2 small ones, and the rest that was in a large one. You stepped outside, Tommy still dawdling around in the dirt shack.

The feeling of being watched still lingered I'm the air. Looking around behind trees and bushes you couldn't see anything. Looking up a hill you thought you saw silhouettes but they were just stumps. And that was when you saw it.

Behind a tree maybe 30 years away, was a white smiley face mask. Different from DreamXD's.

Yours eyes widened as you immediately know who it was. Dream

You turned around, "Tommy, we have to go, now." He looked at you confused

"Give me a second I'm trying to fix my inventory," you waved out the torch on the wall and grabbed his arm.

"No, now." You had a chilling look on your features. Moving your hand from his arm to his own hand you sprinted out of the forest, Tommy was having a hard time trying to catch up. You slowed down after running for 6 minutes straight.

Uncontrollably panting, you still walked forward. Slowing your breathing and trying to get your heart beat back on track.

"What the hell- was that- about?" Tommy said between exasperated breathes. His eyes bored holes into the back of your head. You spun spun around, his look of anger washed away when he saw your face.

"W-what?" Tommy mumbled.

"Dream was there," you said, your voice shaking. "He was there, and could've killed us, you, but he didn't. I don't known why."

Tommy's eyes widened his mouth dropped open and he forgot to breathe for a second.

"Your not saying he showed sympathy are you?" He suggested. You shook your head.

"I doubt it, but in cases like this I hope he did," you replied.

You both cautiously walked back into L'manburg, gently opening the camarvan door, you stepped inside. Sometimes Wilbur would sleep inside of the camarvan, luckily, he was not. You flipped on the light switch and began to shove things in the empty chests that Tommy placed earlier, him doing the same.

When you had finished, you turned off the light and exited the van. You both walked around the paths around L'manburg, tip-toeing when when ever you walked in front of houses. Talking about everything and nothing. Tommy complaining about his life with Wilbur, and you complaining about your brothers.

Before you knew it, it was almost 3:30. You gave Tommy a hug goodbye -which he did not return- and flew off back to the castle. Slipping through the unlocked window and back into your room. You sighed, closing your eyes and tilting your head down.

"Where have you been?"

933 words
Oo~ cliff hanger, my 1st one so far. This chapter is a bit short and YES IM AWARE, this book does not follow the main plot line, but some of the main events will still be included in the story. Anyway, thanks for reading and remember to vote!

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