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Your face morphed to one of confusion.

"What?" You questioned blankly, Wilbur still full of enthusiasm.

"Yeah! We can build you a house and you can move into L'manburg! You won't have to deal with them anymore!" Wilbur was almost jumping up and down Ik excitement. An overly wide smile plastered across his features.

You looked at him, frowning. "Wilbur, listen. I would love to, but just because I wouldn't live there doesn't mean I wouldn't still have to attend the meetings. They would eventually found out where I am and bring me back. Probably hurting you guys in the process."

Wilbur's smile faded completely. "But what if you just straight up tell them your leaving? Talk to them. And by them I mean XD, I doubt Nightmare would care." He mumbled the last part, but you still heard it.

"I mean sure but you know how XD is. He's just like that, he would never let me leave," you responded, closing your eyes and thinking for a moment.

"Oh right," Wilbur said extended the 'o' sound, "because XD is actually caring and treats you like an actual being. I understand."

You rolled your eyes again. "Yeah but that gets quite annoying after a while. Just- let me talk to him, and I'll see what I can do." Wilbur's smile returned, but not a brightly.

"Thank you."

"WILBUR!!" Your head snapped to the left, seeing Tommy and Tubbo sprinting towards you, Tubbo slightly trialing behind. They both stopped beside you, out of breath.

"Big- man," Tommy said between sharp inhales. "It's-Dream," his words felt like needles in your ears. Dream? What? What happened?

"Dream?" You looked at Tommy. He was bent over, hands on his knee trying to catch his breath, Tubbo repeating his actions. "What- what did Dream do?" A look of worry painted itself across your features.

Tubbo stood up, a few inches shorter then you and said, "He's mad! Like psycho mad!" Tommy stood up after, his forehead beaded with sweat.

"We went to my house so I could grab my armor and he popped out of no where and said that he didn't like L'manburg" He said in one breath. Tubbo finished for him.

"He said that he doesn't like how L'manburg took his land. So he says we're not aloud outside of the walls anymore. And that everything outside of the walls is his land!"

So, I know this is inaccurate, but the story line is similar so deal with it

Your head snapped back towards Wilbur, but your eyes didn't meet. He was looking at his shoes.

"Wilbur?!" You shouted at Wilbur. He acted like he didn't care. You looked at back at Tommy, he looked upset.

"Part of me new something like this was gonna happen," Wilbur said. He finally looked up, staring at Tommy.

"Well what do we do? Tommy's house is out there along with the castle."You explained.

"Tommy's going to have to move in to L'manburg. And (Y/N), your fine. If Dream wants to kick you, Nightmare, and XD out of the castle, then he has some balls." He smiled slightly.

"Tommy shouldn't have to move inside of the walls just because of Dream. I mean, unless he wants to." You looked at Tommy, he seemed upset.

"No, (Y/N) it's fine! I'll just move my house into L'manburg, it's not that big of a deal," he said with a fake smile. "Dream's a dickhead anyway."

You frowned, "well how are you supposed to get your stuff when Dreams just gonna kick you back into L'manburg?"

"I'll have to sneak out tonight. (Y/N) you should come with me, you can help be my getaway and you can carry more because of your shulker box!" Tommy explained.

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