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And Dream was standing right before you, inches away.

Your eye's went wide as they met with his smiley face mask. You jumped back and hit the window with such force you thought you broke it. You had nothing on you for defense at all. The only thing you had was your uniform and hat. But but the looked of it, Dream didn't have anything either.

Because if this closer look at him you could see more of his build. He was maybe 6'2 meaning you had to look up to meet his 'eyes'. He was quiet muscular and wore a lime green hoodie with the hood up covering his hair with a rig holster pack that looked to be full of materials to make different potions. He had black combat boots with oversized cargo pants, probably for easier fighting.

Your entire 'check out' session lasted about 3 seconds before you made a move.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Your voice came out a lot more shaky then it was supposed to.

"Relax, I have no weapons I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna talk," his voice sounded exactly like Nightmares and DreamXD's except it wasn't echoey or rattling. It was just normal. "And if your really wondering, I slipped in through the back door before you locked it."

You sighed and looked down at the ground with your eyes closed.

"Don't be scared, if I hurt or killed you in any way id only be hurting myself," this confused you. How would it hurt him?

You stood up straighter. "Fine, can we continue this in the dining room?" He nodded and you led him into the main room.

The dining room table was a small round table with 2 chairs. He sat down in one of them with no hesitation. You remained standing. "Can I get you anything? Well, no. Nevermind the mask is in the way," you mentally facepalmed, no shit Sherlock why would you even ask that.

You sat down and placed your elbow on the table, resting your cheek on your fist. You sat sideways to face Dream. His chair was pulled out facing you as he was hunched over resting his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped together.

"So, why are you here?" You started.

"Well, your my, let's say, my 'reincarnation'. My powers went to you along with my spot at the castle. I would like to get to know you better. Your friends, your old life at the castle, your hobbies," he said. You were appalled. This was Dream, the man you were warned to stay away from because he's dangerous, this same man was asking about your life?

This has to be a trick

"Uhm, well i'm friends with the other citizens of L'manburg, My brothers are over protective and ones an asshole so I left. I like working a outside and creating maps to hang on my wall," you replied with hesitation. Dream sat up straight and placed his hands in his knees.

"C'mon, that's it? What am I gonna do with this information besides know you more?" He said.

"That's the problem, you could do anything this information. I don't trust you, you could use it to to hurt me or my friends and possibly me in the process," I crossed your arms in front of your chest.

He sighed and did a gesture meaning that he probably rolled his eyes. "I already told you that if you die then I die."

Again with this, "This again? How would my death kill you?"

"My powers are stored in you. If you die, I can't get them back." He replied

You scoffed, "of course, that still doesn't tell me how your dying."

He hesitated before responding. "My power is more then just healing, it's so much more. But when it was given to you it only became healing. Without it, I have no self defense."

His answer seemed fake. "You've been 'defenseless' for nearly 830 years. I think your fine." You went went to stand up but he gripped your forearm tightly. You stared at him with a disgusted look. "Let. Me. Go." You yanked your arm away from him and he dropped his hand and backed up.

"I think you need to leave," you pushed him out to the front door, opened it, and shoved him through. "I would say it was nice having you here, but I really wasn't," he spun around to look at you seconds before the slammed the door and relocked it.

Dream POV
Shit, she pushed me out through the front. It was only about 9:30 meaning people were still awake. And Im obviously not supposed to be here. I ran around towards the gate as fast as I could, my boots stomping against the ground with every step. I was approaching the camera van when suddenly the door swung open. Me and that Wilbur guy made eye contact. He stepped out of the camera van.

"HEY! DREAM!!" He started running towards me. Of course tonight was the night I didn't have any weapons. I continued running toward the exit with Wilbur hot on my trail. I didn't know he was so close until I felt him grasp onto the hood of my hoodie and pull me back, pulling it off. It choked me and I gagged. He pulled me close to him, grasping onto my with a lot more strength then I thought he had.

I threw us around trying to get out of his grasp. He pulled my messy dirty blonde hair trying to get me to stop but I slapped his hand away. This is ridiculous. We're cat fighting right in front of the exit. Just let me go! Ill be gone in like a minute! But when I slapped his hand away from my hair, his hand nicked the leather strap holding my mask on my face. The clasp broke off and the mask fell off my face and onto the ground.

We both froze. I took this opening to push myself out of his grasp and ran into the woods. Leaving my mask in the grass. I looked back and saw Wilbur just standing there. I was to far away so he couldn't see my face but he only just stood there. I pulled my hood far over my head to cover my eyes. And sprinted back to my castle.

It's fine, that mask was chipped, broken, and covered in dirt anyway. I'll just make a new one. Does this mean Wilbur respected my privacy and didn't come after me to keep my face hidden? But, I'm the enemy. Why would he do that? My pace slowed down as I approached the castle. None of the lights were on except for the one in George's room. Damnit, he better have not been waiting for me.

I opened the doors as quiet as I could and started up the creaky stairs. I made it to the top and tip-toed down the hallway to my room. I walked passed George's room when the door swung open.

"There you are! Where were you I was worried??" He said, I turned towards him and he grasped me face in his hands. I avoided eye contact. "Where's your mask!?" I rested one of my gloved hands on his own.

"I ran into some trouble and lost it. It's fine it was broken anyway," I said. He traced the scar on my face with his thumb. It was a puffy, white scar that started at my left eyebrow and went all the way to the right side of my jawline. I finally made eye contact with him and he stared into my emerald green eyes as I stared at his multicolored ones. I leaned in to kiss him when he pulled back suddenly, dropping his hands from my face. Confusion plastered itself across my features.

"It's getting late, I'm going to head to bed," George said with a forced smile. I nodded and walked down the hallway.

"I love you," I said to him.

I didn't hear a response, only a shutting door.

1364 words
Ok, that was a lot of writing in one day. Im going to go to sleep now but I hope you like this chapter. A friend of mine told me not to make Dream seem toxic in the DNF relationship I kinda have to do I can make this become a Gnf X reader. This friend knows who they are. I will try to make it more 'nice' though. Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

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