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George's POV
right after you left
I shut the door after she left and went to sit in the couch. I closed my eyes. This is good! She'll get her powers back and Dream-

My eyes shot open and I stood up, "Dream's gonna kill her." I grabbed my axe and bow off the couch quickly and placed them in there holders. I then put on my boots and goggles and fast as I could. I ran outside.

"(Y/N)! Wait!" I shouted. She couldn't hear me, she was to far away. I noticed people walking away from the Camarvan. Shit.. I don't have any other choice

I ran up to them, they noticed me immediately and pulled out there weapons.

"Please! I come in peace!" I yelled at them, my arms up in a surrendering motion.

"George?! What the hell do you want??" Wilbur shouted, the rest of the L'manberg members at his sides with there weapons drawn.

"It's (Y/N)! If she gets her powers back, Dream is going to kill her!" I said.

"Why do you care? And why should we trust you!?" Tommy yelled.

"Because she's my friend! She's been helping me, I've been helping her! Why should you trust me? You trust her don't you!? She trusts me! We need to get to the castle before something happens!" At this point my voice was breaking. The men in front of me lowered there weapons.

"Take us to the castle," Wilbur said. I started running, I could hear them behind me.

"How will he kill her? She's immortal!" Wilbur said as he ran beside me.

"During the spell, they will all be completely vulnerable. He will kill her while she's in an unconscious state. He knows her powers have been depleting. He knew this was going to happen!" I said trying to control my breath.

"How do you know?" Wilbur asked. "Dream tried telling me once but I ignored him! I should've listened to what he said! I could've prevented this!" I was almost crying.

It took us almost 15 minutes to run to the castle, we were all tired and out of breath but there was nothing stopping us.

"There's movement on the roof!" Tubbo shouted, we all looked up to the top of the castle to see 2 large figures and one smaller figure walking.

"That's them!" I shouted back. We ran through the castle doors and up the first flight of stairs.

"How the hell are we supposed to get to the top?!" Tommy shouted, he sounded scared. I started running through the castle, passed the thrones, passed the dance hall, through hallways. I quickly found another staircase. At the top of that stare case was a hallway. At the end of the hallway was another staircase. It was  narrower. We all ran to the top of it. I burst through the door.

"Wait!" But it was to late. They are already half way through the spell. Nightmare saw us enter. Both him and DreamXD heard me. But they weren't stopping the spell. We all ran up to the circle. (Y/N) was levitating in the air. The circle was making a barrier preventing us from going through. We all gathered around the barrier

"You have to stop the spell! She's going to die!" They didn't listen, instead they just kept with the spell. Fuck them..

That's when I noticed them. I looked to my left, 3 people were climbing up the castle, into the roof.



And Dream

I pulled out my axe. The men behind me noticed that I wasn't shouting at DreamXD and Nightmare with them anymore. And they followed my gaze to see who I was staring at.

826 Years | C!GeorgeNotFound X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now