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Despite talking to George, you made it to the castle on time, 3 minutes early. You walked in through the door and up the stairs. DreamXD was already in his seat while Nightmare was just sitting down.

"Hello, nice of you to make it here on time," DreamXD said in a cheery-ish voice. You smiled, "Of course," you replied.

"Nice of you to be wearing normal clothes," Nightmare mumbled but you still heard it. You shot him a dirty look. DreamXD cleared his throat, well tried to. His voice is echoey so when he did it just sounded like weird noises.

"Anyway, let's go over yesterdays meeting. We talked about war dates and peace amendments which obviously isn't gonna happen. (Y/N), you didn't say much yesterday so hopefully you'll pitch in more today," DreamXD said, you nodded.

The meeting went on and you all talked about The DreamSMP and L'manburg. L'manburg didn't stand a chance against Dream's forces but with your help they will have a slightly bigger chance of winning.

The meeting continued and shortly ended. Well it was actually just as long as yesterdays but it seemed shorter because you were actually talking. You said goodbye, waved to Nightmare, hugged DreamXD, and then walked out the main doors.

Not wanting to repeat what happened yesterday, you flew back home. The only thing I'm your vision being the silhouettes of trees, the stars, and the big round moon in front of you. It was roughly 9 pm, and you made it home almost 10 minutes later. The front gate to the wall was bricked over for some strange reason. It hadn't been like that when you left. Once you got back to your cottage you changed into comfortable clothes and sat on the couch with the 'Introduction to the End' book in your lap.

You opened the book to your marked page and right before you began reading, you heard banging on your back door. Whipping your head around towards the door you saw none other, then him.

Dreams POV
15 minutes earlier
I tossed my rope over the wall and began to climb to the top. The front gate of L'manburg had been built over so I couldn't get in. Assuming that's the reason. I made it to the top of the wall and jumped down. My sword was tucked safely into its loop in my belt and I had a new, clean mask on. I silently ran over to the camera van. The lights were on meaning someone was inside.

I knew that's where they were keeping there weapons so I peaked into the window to see sets of diamond armor along the wall. (Y/N) had to of supplied that. There's no way they could've gotten that themselves. Wilbur sat at the brewing stands with his back turned.

I don't even know why I was here right now, it was still early. A turned my body the other direction to walk around the van, but my sword banged against the metal of the van. I froze, and Wilbur's head perked up and he spun around. We made uncomfortable eye contact before he ran out the door.

I sprinted the opposite direction and weaved through other buildings. The gates closed, I wouldn't be able to climb the wall without him catching up. There's nothing I can do. But then I saw her house in my vision. I looked behind me and saw that Wilbur was a decent ways back. I ran towards her back door. She's not going to let me in. I banged on the glass door anyway. I saw her on the couch. She stood up and ran towards me.

Back to normal POV
Dream stood at the door, You walked over and swung it open. He dove behind the couch. You slammed the door back shut. You don't know why you let him in but part of you told you to do it. Right when you shut the back door, someone knocked on your front door.

You walked over the the front door and opened it. Wilbur stood in the grass outside your home, completely out of breath. You put a fake confused look on your face.

"Woah, you alright?" You asked him. He nodded, "yeah! I just- *gasp* do you know- *gasp* have you seen-" you cut him off by placing a hand in his chest. "Hey, calm down. What's up?" He fixed his breathing and asked you his question.

"By any chance, have you seen Dream? He ran towards this direction and I can't find him," he said. Your eyebrows flew to your hair line and you responded, "Dream's here?? How??" You lied. "I'm not sure. I'll continue looking for him, thanks anyway." He said. you smiled, nodded, and closed the door.

You turned around, fuming. You walked over behind the couch and Dream was huddled against the wall. "Alright! Why the hell are you here?!" You yelled, he flinched and then stood up. "I was here.. spying.. and your friend noticed me so I ran. The gate was closed and I had nowhere else to go so you were my only option," he said while twirling his thumbs.

You sighed and shook your head. "How did you know I'd answer?" You said. "I.. didn't," he replied. "What?? So you came to my back door, pounded on it for me to answer, to which I could've said 'fuck you' and let you get caught, but you were willing to risk it anyway?" You yelled. He nodded.

"Why did you let me in by the way?" he asked, you shrugged. "Part of me told me to do it. I felt sympathy and I'm not supposed to like you," you said. By his posture alone you could tell he was surprised.

You looked out the window and saw Wilbur walked around the paths on this side of L'manburg.

"Wilbur's gonna be out 'till dawn looking for you. I suggest you spend the night here. I'll get the couch made up." You said. Dream nodded and you walked into your bedroom to grab blankets and pillows from the closet. When you walked back into the living room Dream had already got comfortable.

His lime green hoodie was folded nicely and placed on the coffee table while his black t-shirt underneath was exposed. His shoes were off and placed next to the couch. He ran his hand through his messy hair and adjusted the strap on the back of his head. You laid the blankets out in the couch and placed the pillow at the head. He mumbled a quick 'thanks' and you nodded in response.

He started getting under the blankets and you walked to the end of the room. You shut off the light leaving the room nearly pitch black, the only light that could be seen was the moon shining in through the windows. You heard something clatter against the coffee table and you didn't know what it was until he said something.

"Goodnight," his voice wasn't muffled at all, meaning his mask was not on. Another no shit, why would he sleep with the mask on?

"Goodnight Dream." You responded and headed to your room. Tucking yourself under the covers and quickly falling asleep.

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So, I realized I used the word 'nodded' quite a few times in this chapter and I apologize. This took a lot longer then I thought because I've been busy all this weekend with Halloween stuff and preparing. But it's all over now so it's fine. Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

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