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TW: abuse/implied abuse
"Hello?" You said.

The boy jumped and his head whipped around, his hair moved slightly showing his long pointed ears covered in pearl colored piercings. His glasses fell off his head and onto the ground next to him. His eyes open wide and mouth slightly agape. His chest heaving.

You both made eye contact. He was beautiful, with clear skin and shiny bright eyes compared to your scarred face and dull eyes. His bandaged hands were planted firmly on the ground for support. He had a small bandage on his jawline. One of his feet slipped from its position and almost into the water.

"Uhm, hello? Who are you?" He was quick to say somthing. His breathing returned to normal and he looked less surprised. He had a higher pictured voice then most the men you had known, along with a British accent like Wilbur.

"Sorry for startling you. It wasn't my intention," you smiled nervously. "My name is (Y/N), it's nice to meet you I guess." You stuck your hand out to shake and he took it reluctantly. "George." He said. You gestures to the grass beside him. "Do you mind if I sit?" He blinked, "sure go ahead."

You sat down and it was then when he noticed your uniform. "Your a member of L'manburg?" You looked down at yourself, forgetting about the uniform. "Oh! Yes, I recently moved there from my old home. Away from my brothers. I've never seen you before, I'm assuming your not from around here?" He shook his head.

"No I'm from farther down that way," he pointed ahead of the two or you, across the lake and beyond the trees. You slightly nodded, not realizing where he was actually pointing to. You let your wings lower a bit. I need to get going in a few minutes if I wanna get to the meeting in time. Your wing gently grazed George's back by accident and you mumbled an apology. He looked at them, astounded.

"Oh, a-are you an Elytrian of sorts? I didnt notice your wings until now." He kept staring at them and you chuckled slightly. "Good guess! But no, I'm actually a demigod. I have healing powers that I got when I was resurrected by my brother." George paled even more then it already was. His enthusiasm dropped and his amazement faltered.

You didn't notice though, instead you motioned towards the bandages covering his hands that trailed up to his biceps. "If you don't mind, I can heal up whatever happened to your arms." At that moment, George new Dream was wrong. He smiled slightly and nodded. Carefully, he started unwrapping the bandages that had small blood stains on the insides.

"My friends and I practice sword fighting a lot and they're a lot better then me. I'm really rusty so I get hit a lot." His arms were littered with small and big cuts. They looked to be hurting. He also took off the bandage on his jaw. That one was a lot deeper and looked like it needed stitches. Your cringed.

"Ouch, I thought you said you were friends." He chuckled, he has a cute laugh. "We are, they're not trying to hurt me. I just have bad defense." He shrugged. You moved to the side and so did he, you were now facing each other.

You hovered your hand over his face, right over the cut. After a few seconds, your hand glowed a soft blue. George closed his eyes. The cut molded it's self back together and into a scar. The scar then disappeared. He opened his eyes and reached up to touch the now healed cut. His face said it all.

"Wow! It's like it was never even there!" He smiled wildly at you and then he held his arms out, gesturing for you to do those as well. You respected the process, your hands glowing the same for blue and the cuts healing over. He stared at his arms. "Thank you so much! Gosh that's amazing!"

You smiled back at him and then your face dropped. Your stood up immediately and he looked up at you with confusion. "Ah! I'm sorry I have to go, I was supposed to be somewhere and now I'm totally late!" George nodded in understanding.

"Goodbye (Y/N) it was really nice meeting you! Thank you for healing me!" He said you started running towards the castle. "Bye George! It was nice meeting you too!" You said as you shot in the air and flew as fast as you could towards the castle.

George's POV
Holy shit, that was her. The women Dream had constantly warned me about because she was so dangerous. The demigod sister of both server operators Nightmare and DreamXD. The women I just sat by and had a civilized conversation with while she healed me. That Women. (Y/N).

I stood up, and picked up the netherite dagger I hid beside me when she first showed up. I shoved the old bandages on my pocket. I stared at my arms in disbelief. But, she was so nice. How is she bad? I picked my the glasses that fell on the ground earlier and put them on. Covering my eyes. I walked back to Dream's castle in my own deafening silence. Fiddling with the handle on my dagger.

I made it to Dream's and my shared castle and pushed open the door. I headed over to the stairs and started up them when I heard my name being called

"George! My love, where were you?" I heard Dream say. (Sorry, I know this is X reader but I can't help it) I turned around and dream stood at the bottom of the stairs. I walked towards him. I had lied about what I said earlier about 'training' there was no training. Dream was just abusive. His hand cupped my now healed cheek, he noticed all the cuts were gone.

"What the hell?" He mumbled. Trying to look for an answer as to why they were gone. "All your cuts, there gone!" He let me go and I backed up. Dream grabbed my wrist to stop me. "What the hell did you do? Who did you meet? Who healed you?!" He yelled, the grip on my wrist got tighter and started to hurt.

"I-I don't know! They came up to me while I was at the pond and just kinda- did it!" I lied. To me, it seemed believable. And I guess it did to Dream too because he let go of my wrist and walked off. A new ring in light purple bruises was left on my wrist as I sprinted up the stairs and into my room.

1126 words
Yeah so I'm sorry, the angst dnf wasn't supposed to be here but it just kinda happened so it's there- also thank you for 80 reads! Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote

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