Men don't cry. (11)

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It was a month later, and Y/N still was in her coma. It feels like it's been a lifetime. I had been going to see her everyday since the wreck. I missed hearing her voice, I missed her more than I thought I would. I kept replaying that day in my head, one moment she was singing, and dancing around, and the next she was passed out cold, covered in blood, laying in the front seat of my crashed car. I couldn't get the image of her hurt out of my head. I just kept seeing the image. God could that stupid picture just get out of my head already?!, I kept thinking to myself. I was looking down at my feet, bouncing my one leg up and down gently. Suddenly I got this urge to look up, and she was opening her eyes. I seen her bright eyes opening for the first time in what felt like forever, it was like a dream. "Y/N YOU ARE FINALLY AWAKE!" I said as she looked over at me.

"Y/N YOU ARE FINALLY AWAKE!" I heard a voice say. My vision was blurry for a minute, but I knew from just the voice that it was Corey. "Corey" I said softly, "Yes it's me Y/N, I'm so glad you are okay" Corey said. "Corey.." I said again. I didn't know what to say, I knew that we had gotten into a wreck, and I knew that I was hurt. I knew that Corey wrecked the car. But that didn't matter, it wasn't his fault, and I was worried that he was thinking that it was. "Y/N I'm so sorry, I hurt you, I put you in a coma, I should've never took you out, I knew the roads were icy-" I cut Corey off, "no no Corey, I'm alive, it doesn't matter. I'm just glad that you are here." I said to him. "I'm glad that I'm here too" Corey said, and the nurse walked in. "Oh you are finally awake honey." The nurse said. "This boy has been going crazy, coming here everyday to see you." The nurse jokingly said. I started laughing, and so did Corey. "Is he your boyfriend?", she then asked. "No-" Corey tried to say, but I cut him off "yes he is, and I love him very much." I said quickly. "Oh that's sweet, you'll have to stay here for a little longer sweetheart, just so we can keep a look on you for a bit, after you are fully done with it's the recovery process you can go home." The nurse said, and walked out. "Your boyfriend" Corey said, he then added ooo after it. "Yes Corey, my boyfriend." I said to him while laughing. Then Corey said something to me. Something that in a way, made me feel so warm inside. "I love you Y/N." Corey said, "and I'm not saying that as a joke, I really mean it. The whole time you were in a coma I stayed with you. I loved you and I knew I couldn't leave someone that I loved. I don't know how you can still care for me after what I put you through, and that's another reason why I love you. I'll love you forever, and I swear by that" Corey then said. "Corey, I have loved you since the day I looked at you." I said to him. "Y/N when I love someone, I love someone with all of my heart, and I want you to know that." Corey then said. I knew that he felt bad for what happened, but the situation was not his fault. I lifted my hand slightly, and wiped the tear off of his cheek, "Men don't cry Corey" I said in a sarcastic tone. This caused Corey to laugh, and I finally seen his precious smile, again.

(Men cry, if your male and you don't cry you are just simply weird.. but this story is really starting to unfold)

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