True love is real. (31).

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"Corey can you get Percy and Jude up please?" I screamed to Corey from the kitchen. Me and Corey got married 4 years ago, and had our first child the year we were married, we named him Percy. Then we had our second child, Jude, this year. We named her after a dear friend of mine who passed away, River Jude Phoenix, River was truly an angel. "Yes of course, just give me 2 seconds." Corey said. Next thing I knew, Percy ran in, he is fast for a 4 year old, and smart too, he also has a smart mouth, I wonder where he got that from, probably Corey. "Boo!" I heard Percy say behind me, his little voice is so cute. "Ahh you scared me!" I said, clearly over-exaggerating it, but he was a kid, he didn't have to know. "Woahh look who it is!" Corey said whenever he came out with Jude. "Hey Percy, isn't momma so pretty?" Corey said to Percy and kissed my cheek. "Mommy you look very pretty." Percy said to me. "Thank you baby." I said to him and kissed his cheek, then sat breakfast on the table. "Momma Jude don't have none.." Percy looked at me and said. "Of course she doesn't have any silly, she's a baby, we gotta give her baby food." Corey said and tapped Percy's forehead lightly. Corey still acts like a child, but he is slightly more mature, I guess you could say that he is just playful at times. "Hey daddy you don't hit me." Percy said and started "pouting". "Oh cut it out little man, I didn't hit you it was a light tap, I would never hit you." Corey said and laughed. "I know, I just wanted to see if you would care." Percy said and laughed. "Ok children, eat your food." I said and looked at Corey, then started laughing. "Yes ma'am." Corey said and smiled, then went on to feed Jude. It scares me how much Percy looks like Corey, especially when he smiles, he has Corey's smile. He is Corey's mini me. Except he has my ears. As for Jude, she also looks like Corey, but she resembles me a little more than Percy does. My favorite thing, is that they both have Corey's eyes. "Ok now that everyone's done eating, let's all go get dressed, we are going over to grandmas house today!" I said and took Jude out of her high chair. "Catch me if you can!!" Percy said to Corey and ran to his room. "Oh I'm gonna get you!" Corey said and chased after him. Then I heard Percy giggling. "Dad stop, that tickles." Percy said and started laughing. "You put yourself in this situation little guy." Corey said and laughed too. "Boys am I right?" I said and looked at Jude, as I put the dishes in the sink. "What are you two doing?" I said and laughed as I walked in the room. "Daddy thought it was a good idea to tickle me." Percy said and continued laughing. "Oh did he?" I said and laughed. "Yes, yes I did. It was payback because he ran from me." Corey said and laughed. "I see, now both of you get dressed, we have to get to grandmas house in 20 minutes." I said to them and laughed. I truly never knew how a real family was supposed to be. I never had a real family, but Corey helped me with that, and I hope that I'm a good parent to my kids. "Babe, what's wrong?" Corey said as he walked in, I was just sitting on the bed. "I don't know, just overthinking." I said to him and shrugged. "About what?" He said and sat next to me. "Am I a good enough parent?" I said to him. "Babe what do you mean? Of course you are. You are the best parent. You love those kids so much, and you put your all into them. They love you." He said to me and picked my head up. "Thank you Core." I said to him and gave him a hug. "Of course, why don't we just go to my moms tomorrow? I have to run to the store, I'll call her and say that we will go tomorrow." Corey said to me and kissed my head. "Oh ok, do you want me to come to the store?" I said to him. "No you wait here, me and the kids will be back." He said to me. "What? Ok." I said to him and he walked out the door. After about an hour they came back. "Surprise!" Corey and Percy both said at the same time. Percy was holding a teddy bear that was half his size, and Corey was holding a huge poster board that said "We love you." and Percy drew our family as stick people on the side of the poster. "What is this?" I said and hugged Percy, then took Jude from Corey's arms. "Nothing, it's just something special." Corey said and kissed me. "I love you mommy." Percy said and hugged my legs. "I love you too sweetheart." I said and kneeled down to hug him. "Jude baby I bet this was your idea." I said talking in a baby voice to Jude. "Sure was her idea, she comes up with the best ones." Corey said and laughed. "It wasn't her idea, she can't talk weirdo's." Percy said and giggled. "Alright how about we watch a movie! I bought popcorn." Corey said. "Yeah yeah! Come on let's go make the popcorn!" Percy said and grabbed my hand, then started running to the kitchen. "Ok ok hold on, I need to talk to dad, just wait in the kitchen." I said to Percy. "Oh what a surprise to see you here." Corey said as I walked in the living room. "Mhm." I said and walked over to him. "Look at us, we are married, and we have a family. It's crazy how time works huh." Corey said to me. "Yeah, yeah it kinda is." I said. It really was. Time is crazy. "I almost killed you in a car accident right after we graduated high school, and now we are parents? That's insane." Corey said to me and laughed. "Pretty crazy." I said and laughed. Then gave him a kiss. "Eww gross!" Percy said and peeked his head around the corner. "Hey mom told you to stay in the kitchen mister!" Corey said and laughed. Then we all walked back to the kitchen. "Hey mom, hey dad, how did you guys meet?" Percy looked at us and said, while the popcorn was cooking. "Maybe we will tell you another time." Corey said and smiled, then I smiled too. "It's a long story, you would get bored." I said. It may not be boring, it sure is interesting, but he will learn someday, he's to little to even understand what love is. But I hope me and Corey can be amazing examples for our kids, amazing examples that show, that true love is real, it doesn't only happen in fairytales.

AHH I HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYED THIS STORY! IT WAS SO FUN TO WRITE. I WILL BE WRITING ANOTHER STORY SOON! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS! IT MEANS THE WORLD <33 (Also River was not famous either, neither Corey or River were famous in this story. R.I.P River Phoenix, we all love and miss you so much.
Xoxo- Ivy <3

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