Family. (29)

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Me and Corey stayed the night in a hotel when we first got to Canada. We were to tired to do anything else. "Baby, do you want to meet my family tomorrow?" Corey said to me as he got into bed. "Yes of course." I said to him and smiled. Then we both fell asleep.

"Darling, wake up." I said in a soft tone and gently shook Y/N awake. "Ughh 5 more minutes Core.." she said in a sleepy voice. "But we have to get ready, my mom is expecting us at her house in an hour." I said to her. "Ok ok fine, but only if we can cuddle for just 5 minutes longer." She said to me and sat up, then put her arms out, signaling for me to come over and hug her. "Ugh ok fine." I said to her and went over to the bed. Next thing I knew she was cuddled up and asleep on my chest. I decided to grab the phone next to me and tell my mom that we would be there in about 2 hours, that way Y/N could sleep for an extra hour. "Wake up sleepy head." I said waking her up an hour later. "Ok ok I'm up." She said and leaned up to kiss me. "Ok now go get ready, I have been ready for 2 hours." I said to her and laughed. "Ok." She said sprinting up. Whenever she came out of the bathroom she looked beautiful. She was wearing a flowery dress, that was mid length, but not to over dramatic. She had her hair tied back with a ribbon, and had only mascara on. "Wow baby, you look beautiful." I said and walked over to her.

"Wow baby, you look beautiful." Corey said to me and grabbed my waist. "Come on we have to go see your family!" I said and quickly kissed him, then went over to get the door. "Ok ok let's go." He said to me and laughed. After 15 minutes, we finally pulled up to Corey's mom's house, and suddenly I felt extremely nervous. "Corey.." I said and looked at him. "What baby? What's wrong?" He said to me. "Do you think that your family will like me..?" I said to him. I was worried about what they would think. "Of course they will, if I like you, they will. Plus, I can already tell that you will be my moms all time favorite person." He said to me and laughed, making me feel a lot better. "Let's go." He said and smiled, then walked around to my side of the car and opened my door. We went up and he knocked on the door. "Corey!" His mom said and gave him a hug. "Oh and hi! Y/N right? Corey never stops talking about you." She said and turned to give me a hug. "Hi!" I said to her and smiled. She was so sweet. Much different than my mom. "Everyone look who's here!" Corey's mom said as we walked through the door. "Hey Corey." His dad said, he was watching sports on the tv, and his mom was baking cookies. "Where's Carol?" Corey said and walked over to give his dad a hug. "Oh she will be here soon." His dad said and gave him a hug. "Oh hi, you are Corey's girl that he has been bragging about." Corey's dad said and laughed, then gave me a hug. "Yes, I hope I am." I said to him and laughed. Corey's family already felt like my own, they were so nice. "Boo!" Someone said behind us. "Hey Carol." Corey said and laughed. "Look at you two, love birds. It's so adorable." She said and laughed. "Oh hi! Y/N! You look so beautiful! Corey really wasn't over exaggerating." She said while laughing, then gave me a hug. "Hello." I said and smiled. "See I told you they would like you." Corey whispered to me and smiled. "Yeah, I think you were right." I whispered back and laughed. The whole rest of the night was great, we ate dinner, talked, and played board games. Corey's family felt like they were my family. I never had this type of love, and I looked at Corey's mom as an amazing example of what I wanted to be as a parent.

Ahh yes, it feels amazing to write again. I haven't written in so long. Also, Corey's parents are still together in this story, to clear up confusion.

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