Chapter Eight

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Mayas POV:
It was 2pm and Sharon is supposed to arrive any minute to drop off Harpers file. I was cuddled up with Carina, and Harper was upstairs playing with her toys.
There was a knock at the door, Carina and I stood up and went over to it.
"Hi Sharon" I said nicely
"Maya, Carina." She said with a smile
"Here's her file, I have to run but there's a lot to take in so feel free to give me a call if you have any questions".
It was around 5pm, me and carina had decided to open the file when Harper was asleep later tonight. We hadn't done anything all day and it was getting pretty boring.
"Hey my girls, I have an idea" I said to Harper and Carina.
"Si..." Carina asked.
"Come on get in the car it's a surprise!" I told them excitedly. We all got in the car and drove for about 20 minutes before I pulled up to a car park. "We're here!" I told them. "Mommy where are we?" Harper asked. "Come on you'll see" I replied. We walked around the corner to see my favourite milkshake place was from I was younger. "Milkshakes!" Harper squirmed excitedly grabbing me and Carinas hand and dragging us through the door.
"So many" she said mesmerised by the different milkshakes. "What one would you like bambina?" Carina asked Harper, "strawberry!!" She replied. "Okay... Maya?" She asked me "hmm I think I'll have chocolate" I told her "Me too" she replied. Harper and Carina sat down in a booth and I ordered the milkshakes, I sat down next to Carina and the milkshakes came about 5 minutes later. "Waw bambina that looks so good" Carina said to her. "Wait let me get a pho..." before I could finish my sentence Harper drank some and had a milkshake moustache, I quickly snapped a photo and sent it to Andy. We all finished our drinks and got back In the car, "tired" Harper said in a sleepy voice, "okay bambina you can sleep in the car and when we get home if you want okay?" Carina asked her. She nodded her head and closed her eyes in her car seat and then falling asleep. "Thankyou bella that was a perfect idea" Carina told me putting her hand on my thigh, "I'm glad you both enjoyed" I told her. Shortly after we pulled up into the drive and I lifted Harper out of her carseat and put her to bed. "Night night sweetheart" I whispered kissing her forehead. I made my way back downstairs and sat on the sofa next to Carina who was staring at Harpers file on the table. "Bella I'm scared to look" she told me, "I know me too, but we should read it" I replied. "Okay bambina" she said walking over the the kitchen table. She came back over with the file and opened it on our laps.
"Oh my gosh".

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