Chapter Twenty Nine

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2 weeks after the holiday:

Gracie POV:
"Hi aurora" I said hugging her from behind her locker, "oh hi you" she said turning around, "so I want to ask you something..." she said to me, "yes?" I asked slightly nervous, "there's a party tonight at Jakes house there's not loads of people going, and I really want you to go with me?" She asked grabbing my hands. "Hell yes" I said exited to actually have been invited, "wait really?" She said surprised, "yes I want to come, I just have to ask my mums..." I said realising they may say no, "oh yeh" she said her expression slightly changing, "I mean I can just sneak out if they say no?" I said to Aurora, "you would sneak out? Really?" she asked, "do you realise how much I've missed out on in my life, im coming. Text me the details" i said kissing her cheek and walking to my class.

Maya POV:
"hey sweetheart how was your day?" I asked Gracie as she came home from school, "it was good yeh... oh but I want to ask you something" she said putting her bag on the floor, "sure what is it?" I asked her putting my phone down so she had my full attention, "um so there's a party tonight it's only a few friends, can I please go?" She asked me, "okay aslong as your home by 10pm and no drinking" I told her, "it starts at 11" she said looking at the floor, "11pm?!" I said opening my eyes widely, "no chance" I told her standing up and walking into the kitchen, "what mom please! All my friends are going" she argued, "no I'm sorry, your too young to be going to parties" I told her, "you're so unfair!" She shouted storming upstairs and then slamming her door.
Carina POV:
"Honey I'm home" Carina shouted walking through the door, "oh thankgod" Maya said coming over and kissing me, "everything okay?" I asked her slightly concerned, "god no, we have a very angry teenager upstairs" she said rolling her eyes, "oh what happened?" I asked, "well she wanted to go to a party tonight that started at 11 and I told her no, she's way too young" Maya said, "definitely" I agreed. "I'll go talk to her tho" I said kissing mayas forehead before going upstairs, "bambina can I come in?" I asked her from the other side of the door, "no" she said quietly, "bambina i get your mad but can I please come in?" I pleaded, "fine" she replied and so I walked into her room to see her on her phone, "what do you want?" She said not looking up from the device "ah cut the attitude" I warned, "fine, sorry" she said putting her phone down on the bed, "I'm guessing you know about the party" Gracie said to me, "si I do" i said sitting on the bed next to her, "and? She's being totally unfair right?" She asked me, "I actually agree with her, look I know you don't want to hear it but your too young to go and that's that" I told her, "whatever" she said turning her attention back to her phone, "Harpers having a sleepover with zola at Meredith's tonight so it's just us tonight" I said before leaving her room, "okay" she replied not even paying attention to me. "Come downstairs in 10 minutes your moms making dinner" I told her.
Gracie POV:


G:Hey my mums said no about tonight but don't worry I'll sneak out it's only a block away so I can just walk, I wouldn't miss it for the world ;)

A: Your crazy;) see you tonight


Maya POV:
"You get why you can't go tonight ye?" I asked Gracie as we were eating dinner, "yeh" she replied not seeming to bothered, "good" I said still feeling a little bit guilty about not letting her go. At about 10pm we all decided to head up to bed. "Carina I feel bad about not letting her go" I said climbing into bed, "I know, I know. I mean I do trust her I'm just worried she'll get hurt" she said cuddling up next to me, "I mean we could drive her there for an hour?"

Gracie POV:


G: hey my mums have just gone to bed I'm going to come now

A: Okay text me when your out of the house

G: will do

I quietly put on some shoes and opened my bedroom door tiptoeing downstairs and opening the front door, locking it behind me.

G: mission accomplished, I'll be there in five mins.

A: Surprised you pulled it off, see you <3

I walked a block to his house, I walked in and the house was filled with people from my school, i walked around and found Aurora with a cup in her hand, "I thought you said a few people?" I shouted over the music and people talking. "He told me a few people, I didn't expect it either" she told me, "I'm glad you're here" she added kissing me, "me too" I smiled. "Here have this" she said handing me a red cup, I smelt it and the strong scent on alcohol went up my nose, "Jesus, what's in this?" I asked "it's vodka and lemonade" just drink it, "fine just one" I said before drinking the drink like a big shot. "Your insane" Aurora said watching me down the whole drink in one gulp. As the night went on I was playing drinking games and seemed to be loosing track of how much I was actually having.

Maya POV: (just after first convo)
"I mean we could drive her there for an hour?" I asked her, "let me think about it for a bit" Carina told me.
*30 mins later*
"Okay you can take her but she can only go for an hour and tell her no drinking" Carina said to me, "okay I'll go tell her" I said getting out of bed and walking out the room.

Carina POV:
"Oh you are fucking kidding me!" I heard maya shout from Gracie's bedroom, "What's the matter?" I asked her concerned, "she's gone to the party! I cannot believe her" she said walking back into our room with her hand on her forehead, "I'll call her" I said pulling out my phone. "Voice mail" I said after it ringing, "keep trying" Maya said pacing around the room, "bambina calm down, I'm sure she's okay, she's just made a stupid stupid mistake" I said reassuring her, "I know I know, I just cannot believe her!" Maya said her voice increasing.

Gracie POV:
"That's enough drinking" Aurora said taking a cup out of my hand, "what no! We're just getting started" i slurred slightly dizzy, "No no come on let's get you some fresh air" Aurora said taking me outside, "what's the time?" I asked her, "Uhm I'm not sure look at your phone" Aurora told me, I took my phone and saw 23 missed calls from Carina and 17 from Maya followed by some messages which I couldn't make out, "oh fuck" I said passing the phone to Aurora, "Carinas calling you again" Aurora said handing me the phone back "help what do I do" I panicked, "just answer it they already know now" she told me.

A/N: told you there would be drama... what do we think..... hope it didn't disappoint.

I'll try my best to get you an update as soon as i can, hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing<33

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