Chapter Forty One

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September 2nd
Maya POV:
"Girls are you excited for school?" I asked them, "nope" Gracie rolled her eyes taking a bite of Carinas French toast. "Yes mommy!" Harper exclaimed, "well you better hurry and eat before we're late" i winked putting the empty glasses into the sink. "Ugh do I have to go, can't I just be homeschooled?" Gracie whined, "really? Your not sick of me and Carina yet" I joked, "only a little" she chuckled. "Oh remember we're training after school" I told her, "oh yes" she said happily. "Okay let's go kiddos" i said grabbing their backpacks. I dropped Gracie off first then headed down the road to drop Harper off. "Come on let's go" I said holding my hand out for her to grab to help her out the car. She took it and we walked into the school and to her class. "You ready sunshine?" I asked her, "yes mommy" she said eagerly. "Kiss for mommy?" I asked bending down, she kissed my cheek and I hugged her tightly not wanting to let her go. "Have a good day baby" I said before she walked into her class.
Carina POV:I
I was doing research in my office on my new study about the female orgasm when I got a text message from maya.

Hi baby how's work? Can you pick up Harper up from school today? She finishes at 4:00. I'm training Gracie tonight so it would be less of a rush.

Yes bambina of course no problem,
have a good day doing chores;)
don't miss me too much, speak later <3

Thankyou babe, see you
later <3

Maya POV:
"How was your day?" I asked Gracie as she got in the car, "shit" she whined, "language" I rolled my eyes but chuckled at her honesty, "fine it was not good in the slightest" she reworded her sentence. "How come?" I asked her, "well the classes have changed so I'm barley with any friends and it's just crap" she sighed. "Anything I can do?" I asked her. "Nope, it's fine" she said drinking some water. "Okay well mamas picking up Harper so we can go home and change and then we can do training" i said reversing my car out the parking spot. "Okay sounds good, where?" She asked me, "up to you, either park, station or the gym at home" I told her, "oh and there's a competition next week so if you want to do that I can sign you up" I said added. "Hm yeh okay, you think I'll win?" She asked, "maybe just use this as a taster and like a practice try. Don't stress about it baby" I said not wanting her to get worried. "I'm too competitive for that" she chuckled. "Okay well we shall see" I nudged.
"Hurry up then!" I shouted from the kitchen making us both smoothies. "I'm coming im coming" she shouted coming downstairs. "Here" I said handing her the smoothie, "Thankyou" she said taking it from me. "Let's go munchkin" I said grabbing my car keys.
Gracie POV:
"Hey Andy!" I said when we were walking through the station, "hey mija, what you doing here?" Andy asked. "Oh mayas coaching me for track so we're going to the gym" I told her before taking a sip of my smoothie, "oh good luck, she will break you" Andy joked, "shut up" Maya rolled her eyes following me, "she's only joking" Maya told me, "I can handle it" i sniggered walking off, "oh right we'll see" she said looking surprised at my confidence.
Maya POV:
"Okay so 3 reps of 15 burpees to start, 10 second break in between" i said sitting down on a bench infront of her, "easy" she grinned starting them. "What now" she said proudly brushing her hands together like it was nothing. "Okay then... 50 squats" I said smugly expecting her to refuse, "50?" She asked me, "yes 50" i repeated. "Hmm only if you do them aswell" she argued, "easy enough for me" I said standing up..... "49...50" I said counting are last squat. "Waw I'm impressed" i addmitted when Gracie had done them all.... "Can we do something hard now" she chucked knowing she was playing a dangerous game, "fine" I laughed, "Treadmill, go".
Gracie POV:
"Alright are we done now" I said laying down on the cold floor with aching limbs. "I thought you were finding this easy" Maya chuckled, "I am" she told her very un-convincingly. "Okay then we keep-" she started, "No no you win" I groaned accepting defeat. "Here drink this" she said handing over a cup of water, "thanks" I said before drinking the entire thing. "You did good baby, I'm proud of you" she said sitting next to me. "Thanks, I actually enjoyed" i admitted. "I'm glad" she said before kissing my forehead and then standing up, "stretch then come to my office okay?" She asked me, "yes cap."
Carina POV:
"Hi bambina how was school?" I asked, "so good mama!" She squirmed, "I'm so glad to hear that, did you make any friends?" I asked her, "si mama! And I have a boyfriend!" She told me, "ah a boyfriend" I laughed at her cuteness, "you make sure you tell your mommy that when we get home" I chuckled knowing Mayas reaction would be funny. "I will, is Gracie home?" She asked me, "not yet bambina, mama and Gracie are at the station" I told her. "Okay can we go?" She asked me with puppy eyes looking up, "I cant say no to you bambina" I whispered with a smile before picking her up onto my hip.
Maya POV:
I was doing some paperwork in my office before hearing my office door open, "haven't you heard of kn-" I begun before seeing who had run into the he room. "Harper baby!" I said lifting her up into the sky. "Mommy" she giggled cutely. "Did you have a good day?" I asked her, "yes mommy" she said happily. "Hi bella" Carina said walking through the door. "Hi beautiful" I smiled before walking over and kissing her. "Eww" Harper said quickly covering her eyes. "I swear whenever I walk into a room you two are making out" I heard Gracie say looking at us, "ha sorry bambina" Carina chuckled, "your all sweaty" Carina said after seeing Gracie, "blame her" Gracie said scrunching her eyes at me. "You were the only complaining it was too easy" i said picking up my bag to leave, "it was!" She giggled. "Your cheeks say different bambina" Carina laughed. "Oh Harper don't you have something to tell mommy?" Carina asked. "I have a boyfriend" she told me, "sorry what" I chuckled nervously facing Carina, "ha it's cute right?" She winked earning a glare from me, "so cute" I said to Harper knowing it was nothing serious. "Come on then let's go home".

A/N: happy new year!! More of a filler chapter, how do you think the competition will go?

Any thoughts or suggestions always welcome💕

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