Chapter Thirty Six

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Friday 18th august
Maya POV:
"Thankyou so much for having them Andy" i said when the girls got in the car, "of course, enjoy your night" she winked before getting into the car and I waved them goodbye as they drove off. "hi Bella" Carina said wrapping her arms around my waist, "hi" I said before turning around and kissing her softly, "let's go inside" i smirked holding out my hand for her to follow.
"Where are we going" Carina asked we got into the car. "Surprise" I told her pulling out a blind fold from my pocket, "you can't be serious right now" Carina laughed, "deadly" I winked. She put the blindfold on and a little while later we pulled up into a parking lot, "okay keep it on I'm coming around to get you" I told her stepping out the car. "Okay a few more steps... okay open."

Carina POV:
I took off the blindfold to see a blanket placed down, covered in rose petals, a picnic basket that was displayed with my favourite wine, cheese and crackers at my feet. I looked up and we were at my secret spot. "Waw bambina this is amazing" I said turning around to face her, but she wasn't where u expected her to be. I looked down to see her on one knee, looking up at me.

"Carina Deluca, where do I start. You light up my life in a way I didn't know was possible, you make me a better person and you are the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I fall more and more in love with you every second of the day, seeing you with our beautiful daughters, cherishing every second with them. You are their home, and your mine too. Carina Deluca I love you more than words can say and with that I want to ask you to be mine forever, will you do the honours of being my wife?"
"Yes" I cried out as she stood up and kissed me, "I love you" i told her, "I love you too" she said slipping the ring onto my finger, "guess what?" She asked "Harper picked it out" she told me, "she had fantastico taste" I said before kissing her again.
Maya POV:
That evening we spent hours talking about anything and everything, "stars are so pretty" I said looking up at the sky from carinas lap, "you know what we could do..." Carina said turning to face me, "what..." I questioned, "well I've always wanted to go skinny dipping" Carina said with a smirk appearing on her face. "You want to go skinny dipping right now?" I asked surprised, "and you don't?" She asked me, "anything for you darling" she said sarcastically, "strip then" I rolled my eyes as she didn't move, "Waw I have a bossy fiancé" Carina winked pulling off her shirt leaving her in a dark red brassiere,. "We wouldn't want to ruin that would we?" I asked un-clipping her bra. We both undressed and walked over the the river edge, we stepped in the ice cold water before fully submerging ourselves. I draped my arms around her hips under the water, placing my forehead against hers. "I love you so much" I whispered, "ti amo anch'io e non vedo l'ora di scoparti stanotte" (I love you too and I can't wait to fuck you tonight)  she said a grin appearing on my face, "I have no idea what you just said" I told her, "ah you'll have to wait and see" she whispered before biting on her lower lip. "I've always been one to like surprises" i said before kissing another kiss on her lips.

A/N: They are finally engaged wheyyy!!!
First of all, hope you had a merry Xmas!!!apologies this took so long had a writers block and I think I re wrote this 10 times....

Also debating what to write next so....
-I could carry on from this point and maybe try writing smut... out of my comfort zone so I'm unsure but I could give it a go if that's something you would want....

-I could skip to the morning after or maybe even a week after.... PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT I WANNA KNOW WHAT U GUYS THINKKKK 🤍🤍

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