Chapter Thirty Eight

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Carina POV:
I ended the call with Gracie and drove straight to her, I knew something wasn't right from her panicked tone on the phone. A few minutes later I pulled up to see her sat on a curb, she saw me and quickly got in. She got in the car and didn't say a word to me but I knew something wasn't right. "Bambina do you want to talk?" I asked her gently not wanting her to shut me out. "Can we just go home" she said quietly keeping her head down. "Okay bambina whatever you need" I told her and drove home.
Gracie POV:
Me and Carina got home and I was expecting Maya and Harper to be home but they were nowhere to be found. I was kinda glad I didn't know if I could deal with everyone home right now. "Okay you ready to talk?" Carina asked sitting on the sofa. I sat down next to her but didn't say anything. "What happened bellina?" Carina asked me. I knew that it was best to tell her but I didn't know what to say. "I freaked out at Auroras" I blurted out. "Can you tell me why bambina?" She said placing a hand ontop or mine. "We we're kissing and it started getting more intense... her hands- I don't know mama, I just panicked" I confessed. I felt myself getting hotter and embarrassment flooded over me. "Oh bambina" she said turning my head so I was looking at her, "your very young bambina, you never have to do anything you don't want to. You have plenty of time in the future to experience these things and when you do feel ready it's nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed of. It's a beautiful thing and you don't need to feel pressured into doing anything if your not ready, si?" She said to me. I nodded turning away from her again. "Moms going to freak" I sighed. "No she won't bambina, she might be surprised but she only wants to protect you" she told me. "Okay" I said leaning against her. "Do you want to talk to her or should I?" Carina asked me, "I will" I told her, "okay bellina" she said kissing my forehead.
Maya POV:
"Hunny I'm home!" I shouted walking through the door, "sweetheart take your shoes off their all muddy" I told Harper, "okay mommy" she said sitting down on the floor. "Do you need help?" I chuckled after seeing her struggle. "Yes please" she said before I pulled both shoes off. "Hi baby" I whispered wrapping my arms around Carinas waist, "how was your afternoon?" I asked Carina, "ah... eventful?" She said pulling a face, "what's that supposed to mean?" I laughed, "I'd suggest talking to you eldest daughter..." she told me making me slightly worried. "Okay..." I said before pressing a quick kiss on Carinas cheek and then going upstairs to Gracie's room.
Gracie POV:
"Come in" I said as Maya knocked the door, "Carina said to come talk to you?" She said closing the door and leaning up against it. "Um yeh" I said nervously. "What happened sunshine?" She asked me, "well yanno you dropped me off at Auroras house...." I begun, "yes..." Maya question, "well basically everything was good and then we were kissing and hands started wandering..." and before I could say anymore I was interrupted by maya, "you slept with her?! Your 14!" She shouted, "what? No mom!" I quickly interjected, "oh thank god my baby" she said coming over and hugging me, "wait so what happened?" She asked. "Well I completely freaked out and lied to her saying you were waiting for me outside and I had to phone mama" I told her. "Oh" she said, "oh?" I asked, "well I'm glad you didn't do anything that your not comfortable with" she said, "yeh i know mama has already told me everything. "Okay good" she laughed nervously.

Maya POV:
"Okay we'll is there anything else you want to talk about?" I asked as she looked like she was debating something in her mind.

"I-" she said her eyes quickly filling with tears.

"What sweetheart?" I asked holding her face and growing more concerned as tears rushed down her cheeks.

"I've had sex before-"

A/N: plot twist... please don't hate me for this, apologies in advance.

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