Chapter Fourty Six

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2 weeks later:
(I've said when to start playing music)

Gracie POV:
"Hi Aurora" I said opening the door, "hi" she smiled walking in. "Let's go to my room" I said grabbing her hand. "What ya doing" Maya said popping around the coner before we could go upstairs. "We we're about to go to my room..." I said slowly walking and tugging Aurora along with me. "Hm okay, your mama and Harper are going out so go and say bye to them first though" she told me. "Oh where?" I questioned. "To a dance studio" Maya smiled, "what?! How come I didn't know about this" I chuckled surprised. "They only decided last night I guess she just forgot to mention it" she said before taking a bite of the apple in her hand. "Oh okay I'll go say bye"
Carina POV:
"Are you excited bambina?" I said while putting Harpers hair into a ponytail. "Mhm" she nodded nonchalantly. A few moments later Gracie came into the room. "mom told me you were going to a dance studio?" She asked, "si I'm taking Harper now" I said combing back her baby hairs into her ponytail. "Oh okay, good luck" she hugged Harper before leaving. "Ready?" I asked Harper putting away the hair stuff. "Okay let's go my little dancer" i smiled lifting her up onto my hip.
"Hi I'm Carina, and this is my daughter Harper. I phoned earlier" I told a woman at the front desk. "Ah yes, hip hop?" She asked me, "si" I nodded. "class starts in 5 minutes and is an hour you are welcome to stay and watch" she smiled. "Would you like me to stay?" I asked Harper. "Yes please" she nodded nervously. "Just through those doors" she said pointing us in the right direction. We walked through the doors where there were some girls sitting down talking, "mama I'm scared" she said clinging onto my arm. "Bambina you are the perfect little dancer I'm sure you'll be okay. I'll be here the whole time" I reassured her. She nodded and hesitantly let go of my arm, walking towards the girls who thankfully welcomed her. The class begun and billie Jean blasted through the speakers (start music). Harpers face instantly lit up as she loved Michael Jackson, a trait she had picked up from Maya. The teacher started busting dance moves for the girls to copy, Harper instantly picking up the moves making me smile from ear to ear. She was prancing from side to side pulling off moves I didn't even think she could do, "work it bambina!" I cheered getting carried away, earning a few chuckles from the other parents in the room. "Is she your daughter?" One of the mothers whispered not to disturb the class, "yes" I said proudly. "She's definitely going for it" she nudged me, "ah si like her mama" I joked still watching her dance. "That one's mine" she said pointing toward the girl dancing next to Harper. "Ah si she looks like you" I told her, "how old is.. uh?" "...Harper, she's almost 7" I smiled. "And yours?" I asked her, "just turned 7" she told me, "maybe we could set up a play date or something for them in the future" she added, "I'm sure she would like that" I smiled seeing as the two were laughing while dancing together. "Oh I'm Charlotte Dearbone, I forgot to introduce myself" she laughed holding her hand out, "I'm Carina Deluca-bishop" I said shaking her hand. "Bishop?" She questioned. "My fiancées last name, I've taken it so we can share names with the kids" I smiled. "Wait Bishop as in Maya Bishop?" She asked surprised, "yes..." I chuckled, "how do you know maya?" I asked, "oh it's a long story."

(Incase anyone is confused I'm on about this woman, yanno one of mayas self care Wednesdays)

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(Incase anyone is confused I'm on about this woman, yanno one of mayas self care Wednesdays)
Maya POV:
"Hi bellina" Carina said walking into the house with Harper. "Oh hi, how was dance sunshine?" I asked Harper, "soooo good mama!" She exclaimed reaching over for me to hold her. "I'm so glad to hear that, Gracie and Aurora are in the living room if you want to say hi" I said before kissing her cheek and putting her on the ground. She ran off to go see the girls and Carina had wrapped her arms around the back of my waist from behind me, "guess what" she whispered in my ear making shivers crawl up my spine. "It's been 2 weeks and.... you have a very jealous and sex deprived fiancé" she whispered before biting on my ear lobe. "Jealous?" I asked slightly nervously, "si, ah the name Dearbone ring any bells my love?" She asked rubbing her hand down my side, "oh...I guess" I said biting down on my lip and tensing up realising what she was talking about. "Ah I'm glad we're on the same page" she muttered in my ear knowing exactly how much affect this was having on me, "you will make up for it" and with that she left.


I loved writing this so fun, opinions please!!!

Also what do we think of the music wanted to spice it up, (yay or nay)?

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