Bad Luck

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Ok, so it took like 3 hours to explain the date to Danielle and Eleanor because they WOULD NOT SHUT THE LLAMAS UP! after that I made them promise not to tell anyone me and Niall dot actually hate each other. Of course they agreed after 5 hours of pleading. I finally got to sleep at 3:00 a.m. And slept till I was woken by banging in the kitchen at 6:00 a.m.

Trust Niall to be hungry at this time of the morning. I slept walked into the kitchen cursing silently in my head. In case you haven't gotten it......ME NO GOOD IN MORNING! I get what's going on in my head. Sometimes it hard to make out this morse code it's speaking. "Niall?" I ask. "Next time you're hungry at this time....go to McDonald's."

"Sorry, Love, tried to be quiet," he replies in his thick Irish accent. I about to reply but I hear footsteps stomping down the stairs.

"Niall, I don't want to fight anymore. Lets just start over," I say throwing a wink at Niall.

"I agree, I mean I living with you for the next few years. Least I can do is be nice," Niall replies.

"Glad you you two made up, Niall...if I catch you out with my sister again...I will slaughter you. Anyways breaks over, we have an interview and then photo shoot for the next posters." Liam says.

"Can I stay here? Might go visit David, Dylan, Gwen, Cleo," I say.

"Oh didn't the guys tell you? Gwen's brother got in an accident so she went home, Dylan and Cleo went too." Liam frowns.


"Um, all I know is he was apparently looking for someone who had diss appeared from his house and a drunk driver in an 14 wheeler hit his car. He was in critical condition and he um....he didn't make it." Liam replies.

"Oh my's all my fault!" I gasp. He was looking for me! I should've left him a note! Or called him! I shouldn't have just run off! He's dead because of me! Not bothering to say anything I get off the stool and run too my room. God first my fiancé, then my brother, then my two baby girls, now Trevor? I'm just bad luck! I quickly change into my gym clothes and grab my boxing gloves. I walk past the two boys who were still sitting in the kitchen and out the door. There had better be a gym open! I quickly hail a cab and tell ten to take my to the nearest gym. Except it was more of "take me to the closest fuzzy socking Gym!"

I don't think she understood the fuzzy socking part, but who would? Except everyone with an extreme love for fuzzy socks. Like Queen Hamalot.

We arrive at the gym shortly after that whole scenario an I toss the cash at her before heading inside. Time for some kickboxing.


"Liam! Why would you say that!" I exclaim.

"What? He asks.

"Trevor is still alive! He'a just in a coma! Jeez Mate, I thought you were the organized one!"

"Stop yelling! Some people like to aleep!" Zayn yells down the stairs.

"Naked!" Harry adds before slamming his door. Add shiver here. Though Harry USED to walk around naked I never got used to the sight. A our fans would say, I was too innocent for that kinda stuff. Which I as not! I though of plenty of in inappropriate stuff! Like...nope that's appropriate. not inappropriate either. Well I swear a lot. There!


Ok so after the gym I went to David's house and guess who I saw! Amber! Yeah! From the zoo! The awesome one! Yeah! Her! And we watched MadTV together and quoted Daryl as he flirted with Yvonne, while we waited for David to get back from getting us Ham. Yes,she likes ham too! And! We both dated the sidewalk. Yup...we cool like that. Anyways yeah. You know madTv right the whole Yvonne Yvonne Yvonne. Don't be insecure girl. You rock that up do! Yeah that one? Anyways, so yeah I am talking to myself. You know if somebody could read minds....I would be in a mental hospital. Hm, maybe I should suit myself and save myself the embarrassment! Nah...if anyone reads my mind I'll go Panda on them. Get it Kung Fu Panda? No...ok cool.

Mental Hospital here I come

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