I know!

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Chapter 18

“OK, Niall and Jess, Zayn and Aleria, Louis and Harry and finally….I GET THE ROOM TO MYSELF!” Liam exclaims. We stare at him quietly. “What?” He asks.

“You never…act like that,” Harry says slowly. (Even though Harry always talks slow.)

“Yeah well,” Liam says. We all stand there waiting for him to finish the sentence. 1 minute later.5 minutes later. 10 minutes later.  15 minutes later. 20 minutes later.

“I’m leaving,” I say and Aleria nods beside me. We both start to walk mindlessly around the huge hotel having no idea where we were going. Yeah anyways, we were in some place in the middle of a big busy city that I had no idea what the name was. All I know is that it was in America. The plane ride was fun. For everyone but me. I don’t like planes. At all. They tied me up, then carried on the plane and then handcuffed me….TO NIALL! I didn’t really care though, after all he is boyfriend.

“ELEVATORS THIS WAY!” Louis yells and I giggle. Again.

“Remember last time in an Elevator? Old Ladies hate you!” I say and the boys laugh as Louis blushes.

“What happened?” Aleria asks.

“Nothing important, Louis was just being Louis and these old ladies walked onto the elevator and freaked at him.” I laugh. Aleria laughs too as we all squish into the elevator. I grab Niall tightly and no not for him, but for me. I mean at any moment this elevator could plummet to the ground and we’d all die. Bam! A horrifying, instant death.

“Hey Jess,” Niall says as he glances down and I look to see my sleeves had rolled up.

“Hey Niall,” I reply shakily. The elevator doors open before he can reply and he storms out.

“What’s up with him?” Zayn asks and I stare at the ground.

“I don’t know, I’m gonna go check on him though, night guys,” I mumble as I retrace Niall’s footprints.

“ROOM 1234!” Liam yells after me.

“HOW ORIGINAL!” I yell back. I continue until I reach our room and then try the door. It swings open slowly. “Niall?” I call out. “Niall?” I ask as I hear rummaging in the bedroom. I slowly push the bathroom door open. Niall was going through my suitcase pulling out anything sharp. “Niall?” I ask.

“What?” He snaps.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“What does it look like? My girlfriend will not be a cutter!” He snaps.

“And my boyfriend will accept me for who I am! And if he doesn’t then I don’t care about how much I love him!”

“What are you saying?” Niall asks.

“What are you saying? Cause no matter what you do I won’t be able to stop!”

“Then I guess we’re both saying it’s over. Again.”

“I guess so,” I say. I walk away and my phone starts to ring.

“Hello?” I ask as I stop at the bathroom door. I push it open then close it.

“We’re closer,” The voice says.

“I don’t care! Come and get me! Take my life! Do what you want!” I finally exclaim.

“Oh we plan to Miss Payne,” The voice says.

“Oh kiss my ass,” I snap.

“That’s not very nice.”

“And it’s not very nice to hide you identity. Or to phone me and give me death threats.”

“I’ll give you a hint. Someone close to you… I’m someone close to you,” The voice chuckles before I hear the click of the phone hanging up. Only this time someone was hanging up my phone. I sink to my knees and Niall places my phone on the counter before he sinks down beside me.

“What’s going on Jess?” Niall asks.

“He keeps phoning me. They’re coming for me. They threatened to hurt you. They want me!” I cry.

“They won’t get you! We’ll protect you,” Niall says as he rocks me back and forth. “For now though, you need to try and stop cutting.”

“I can’t! I’ve tried! It’s addicting!” I cry into his shoulder. “It’s like a drug.”

“I’ll help. OK Princess?” Niall asks.

“Ok,” I sigh. My phone rings and I slowly answer it. “Hello?”

“Don’t you know it’s rude to hang up on people?” The voice asks. My phone drops to the ground. I can hear their voice! I know who it is!






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