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I must not tell lies.

I must not tell lies.

I must not tell lies.

I must not tell lies.

It wasn't the same; the writing wasn't coming out on my hand. I gue

ss that's a good thing, because Harry's face looked quite pained while he was writing.

I was back where I started. Locked in a room. On the bright side it had a TV, and all the Harry Potter movies. I was currently watching the 5th movie. I really hated pink poo/Umbridge. She scared me more than my parents, OK my first kidnappers, and that's saying something.

"I brought you food." A British accent said. I still couldn't distinguish the difference in their voices. All, but Niall and Louis, were just a jumble of voices. The only difference between Louis, Niall, and the other boys was that Louis sounded like a girl and Niall was Irish.

I didn't bother looking up I just nodded and continued to watch Harry Potter. God I hate Umbridge! I sit up and move a bit. "Hey whoever is at the door, I need something.....but I have to go out to get it." I blush looking up from the bed which had a red dot where I was just lying.

"Um......what?" This time I look up and see Zayn standing there with Liam behind.

"Um.......pads, and tampons?" I blush and so do Zayn and Liam.

"Why do you need to get it?"

"Um....1. I don't think it would be a good thing if the paparazzi saw you buying tampons and pads. 2. You don't know what I use and 3. Don't you think that would be a bit awkward?"

"Good point. Fine, but we are going to be standing outside the entrance." Liam says. "Come on."

"Fine. Liam? Can I use a hoodie?" I ask. He nods and takes off the one he's wearing. I put it around my waist covering the blood stain. "You probably won't get it back blood free." I smirk as Liam stares at me wide eyed. "NIALL!" I yell.

"WHAT?" He yells back.


"SURE!" Niall yells walking up the stairs and handing me his hoodie. " have one." Niall glares at Liam's hoodie around my waist. Who peed in his Nandos? This hoodie and he must have some ancient history.

"Oh, Liam gave it to me, so I could cover the blood stain." I shrug but blush again.

"Oh." He stops glaring at the hoodie but when I look over at Liam, he's glaring at Niall. "So, are we going somewhere?"

"Yup! Let's go to see the Wizard!"

"Dibs being the scarecrow!" Louis yells.

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