Wake up.

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"Wake up! Jess, you need to wake up," I hear Liam mutter as he shakes my shoulder. "You need to talk to Nialler. He doesn't understand what went wrong and he won't tell us anything. Please talk to him." Liam mumbles.

"I did talk to him," I reply groggily.

"You did? When? You came here and immediately locked yourself in your room. We haven't seen you come out once." Liam replies.

"I did, and before that we had this big argument outside, remember?" I ask.

"Um, no that didn't happen." Liam says.

"Oh...so I dreamt it?" I ask.

"I don't know?"

"Well Ham. Hold on," I say grabbing my phone out of my pocket. 1 new text message from David.

Want to meet at the park at 3:00?

To David


From David

See you soon.

I glance at the clock to see it's already 2:30. I have to get ready! "Liam, I'm going out with a friend. I'll talk to Niall later." I say as I get off my bed. Liam nods and walks out the door so I start to get  ready.


Once I'm done I grab my phone, some money and my converse before running out the door. We decided to meet at the park a few minutes from my flat so I got there in a view minutes. "HAMMY!" I yell as I run towards a familiar looking back. Can backs be familiar looking?

"Jess!" David yells back walking towards me...from the right. Then who was I about to collide into?

"David...stranger....Well at least the sidewalk might get a chance with someone." I say before colliding into the person and falling on them.

"Um, hello?" the person asks and I smile widely.

"Hello sir, can I interest you in some hair growth cream?" I ask rubbing his bald head.

"No thank you! Last time I brought it it didn't work!" The man grumbles.

"How about some hair removal cream?" I ask then slowly standing up. "I mean it might help with the bumpiness of your head. It's not very nice for a stranger to run there hand over."

"Listen here! I don't need your snarky comments! I get enough of those from my wife! Appreciate the baldness!" The man snaps before stomping away.

"Oh my...that was...." David starts but I burst out laughing before he can finish.

"You said Oh My! Oh My! Oh My I Just said Oh My! Save me! Oh My! Help Me! Oh My!" I mumble rubbing my face.

"I have never seen someone say Oh My so many times...." David mumbles as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Anyways...where are we going?" I ask as we start to walk.

"Amusment Park, well more like carnival. It's mostly games." David replies and I squeal.

"I want a pig!" I yell and people start to stare.

"This isn't a zoo! I'm not an animal! Oh wait... I am....well shoot. Why do people say that?" I mumble to myself frowning.

"Wait...did you say shoot instead of Ham?" David gasps fakely.

"Haha, you catch on fast." I reply.

"Oh I know. It's a gift. Sometimes a curse...my mother never understood that her hints weren't so suddle and well I caught on more than other people when I was younger." David shudders and I laugh hard. "It's nto funny he groans as he pulls me towards the now visible carnival games.

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