Another thing to check off my bucket list.

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 "Cleo, would you like to move to London with me, and Dylan, and maybe Gwen?" I randomly ask Cleo when she answers her apartment door.

"YES! We could find One Direction and I could date Liam Payne!" She yells. I gag and pretend to barf. Ew! Who would want to date him! NOT ME! Get it? Haha cause I'm his sissy! Hehe I said sissy. Is that even a word? "JESSICA!" Cleo yells at me.

"What?" I ask.

"What do you mean why would anyone want to date him? Of course I want to date him! He is so H-O-T!" She yells. I wonder if she knows he's just around the corner.

Obviously not Jess, you haven't told her.

God? Is that you?

No, it's your brain!

I didn't think I had a brain...was that sarcasm?

UGH! Just answer your friend Dumbass!

Hey! Its badass, dumbass! Wow my brain had anger management problems.

"Well Ham....I didn't think I said that out loud. Sorry Liam....kind of." I laugh slightly. I can hear the guys laughing from around the corner too. "Come on I'll help you pack. We're leaving as soon as we get Gwen's parents to agree. You see Gwen had parents that were 1. Alive 2.Cared and 3. Her actual parents.  Cleo's parents died 3 years ago in a car crash and she lived with Gwen until she could move out.  My parents, or my kidnappers, simply didn't care as long as I did what they said....or snuck in and out.  

"Ok, I have ham in the fridge." Cleo laughs.

"I am NOT obsessed; I am dedicated.....TO HAM!" I yell the last part, knowing if I didn't the guys wouldn't shut up about it after.  

~Fast Forward An Hour~


"NINJA MODE!" I yell jumping 25 feet.


"No problem."

"Off to London!"

"Off to the Van! BOYS!" I yell and the boys come running around the corner.

"Is that.....Jess why did One Direction, and Dylan, just come running around the corner?"

"Did I not mention that stuff? I'm sure I did." I laugh slightly.

"Jess, you didn't tell her?" Liam asks looking slightly sad.

"Tell her what? That I was kidnapped by One Direction, because my brother was too much of a sissy to come up to me and tell me, so he got dared to kidnap me? Or that I am now moving to London with you guys and my best friends? Or just the fact that your my brother and you and my "parents" gave up on looking for me when I first kidnapped, resulting to me being abused, raped, and abused more....oh let's not forget KIDNAPPED AGAIN! LET"S NOT FORGET BEING SHOT AND LOOSING TWO OUT OF 3,AT THE TIME, MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE TO YOU!" I glare at Liam.

"Jess, come on, calm down a bit..." Niall says.


"HEY! Free Coffee!" Louis says and Dylan, Liam and I yell "NO!"

"Louis you remember what happened last time you had coffee. Not again." Liam explains at Louis confused expression. His expression changes to happiness.

"That was fun." He laughs and opens the lid. "THAT IS NOT COFFEE!" Louis yells dropping the can with the lid still off.

"Well, I hope Connor likes this apartment building." Cleo speaks up. Yes she and Gwen knew what happened. Cleo was at the hospital and her parents had just died. She was running around crying when she stumbled into my room. Seeing me there we sat and talked. Gwen was there too, she was really sick at the time; she was walking around the hallways when we saw her through the window thingy mabobber in the door. She joined us and we became friends. It was just a coincidence that we all went to the same school and didn't know. Only thing they didn't know was that the shooters were actually my parents.

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