No Louis, just no!

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~Five Months Later~

A lot of things happened in the hospital. Niall and Liam got mad at my parents and tried to attack them. Sam. My ‘father’, had of course come prepared. And by prepared I mean he brought a gun. He pointed it at the boys and threatened to shoot but of course David and the rest of the cops burst in. He did manage to shoot someone though. Niall. Luckily we were in the hospital so he was rushed a way immediately. It didn’t go that deep and it healed about two and a half months later.

And now we’re here. In the living room, holding hands and sitting in front of a bunch of confused guys. I was really nervous. Not only because last time this didn’t end so well but also because I wasn’t sure how the boys would react. “Well are you going to tell us?” Zayn asks annoyed. Well we did kinda wake him up early.

“Right , well first Liam no killing, that goes for the rest of you boys. Secondly, no yelling, thirdly no I am not going to take the suggestions I know you are going to say. Niall?” I ask.

“Really? Why me?” Niall whines.

“Because you got us into this situation. And conversation.” I reply.

“Fine,” He sighs. “Boys you’re going to be uncles!”

“Lou’s pregnant again?” Louis asks.

“Oh dear lord, no! I’m going to be the father!” Niall explains.

“You got Lou pregnant?” Harry asks frowning.

“NO! I’m pregnant!” I exclaim. Boys are so stupid.

“Congrats! So for the names I was thing you should name it Louis-Oh that’s what you meant. Got it!” Louis says. All the guys say congrats and I smile happy their not mad. Liam seemed to be the happiest.

“Let’s go to the club to celebrate!” Louis exclaims and I face palm.

“Louis, no.”


“Babies aren’t allowed alcohol.” I explain slowly.

“You are going to be a great mom! I still don’t get-oh got it!” Louis says and we all frown.

“I think we need to get him checked,” I mumble to the other boys.

“HEY!” Louis yells. “Yeah you probably should!”   

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