Going in circles.

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“What do you mean he’s not dead?” I exclaim and Liam cringes.

“Well um, you see and well…I got confused,” He sighs.


“Calm down Jess, no harm done.” Niall says calmly.

“No harm done? What about my poor muscles?” I exclaim.

“Hey and least you lost some weight!” Niall smiles.

“You calling me fat Horan?” I glare. He cowers around my gaze.

“N-No,” He stutters glancing around the room as if for an escape plan.

“Dude, this isn’t Maximum Ride, you don’t need to be paranoid all the time,” I say giggling.

“Maximum Ride?” He asks.

“Die! HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW? IT IS THE BEST SERIES EVER! Ok that’s it I am telling you the whole series, so it all started when max was very young.”  Yeah well it took two hours to explain it all to Niall and Liam.

“Wow, why? Why would she end up with HIM?” Niall asks.

“No! She was meant to be with him from when they first met!” Liam gasps. “I’m happy they ended up together!”

“You would be! You want everything to be in order! Please! This isn’t a fairy tale!”

“They have wings Niall! It is a fairy tale!”

“No! THE ENDING IS NOT RIGHT! WRONG GUY!” Niall exclaims and I giggle.

“Um, guys?” Harry asks as he walks in with Louis and Zayn.

“BEANIE HAT!” I yell as I point to Harry’s hat. “We all know what happened to Harry last night! Have a good time Harry?”

“Yup! Again tonight?” Harry asks cheekily and I pretend to vomit.

“Please, like I would hook up with you,” I laugh as I glance around the room. Liam and Niall were looking slightly mad, but seemed to be cooling down once they realized I didn’t actually.

“You’re right, I wouldn’t go for you, it was obviously Louis!”

“He’s mine!” Louis exclaims.

“Have him, I want a leprechaun,” I giggle before the guys stop to stare at me. “Um…with like red hair….like Ed Sheeran,” I stumble over my words.

“You could meet him, we’re a good friend of his, right guys?” Harry says and all the guys nod and say yes, except for two people.

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