Come Home...I am Home.

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"Jess," Lili sighs as she walks into the waiting room. "Go home."

" I am home," I reply as I shift my leather jacket lightly.

"Go back to your brother," Will simplifies.

"What brother?" I ask coldly.

"Go home," Will sighs and points to the door and I stand up ready to leave.

"Gladly," I snarl. You could say I haven't been the happiest person...I watched the boys in interviews. Whenever someone asked about me Liam wouls shake his head and say it wasn't the right girl. That I wasn't his actual sister. That the blood test we took showed up negative. Niall would shake his head sadly and the other boys would glance at the camera with begging eyes. I'll admit it hurt a lot, but I wasn't going back. I couldn't go back. I slung my bag over my shoudler and walked out the door of the police station with a wave to Willow.

"Again?" I heard a voice mumble. "Jess!" The voice called out in an irish accent. Really? Another atttack or the Irish? Shaking my head I ignored him and continued walking. Whoever he was he would leave me. "Jess! Wait!" The boy called. "Jess! Please! Come home! Come with me! Don't run!" The voice yelled. I continued walking shaking my head. Why wouldn't this guy get a clue? "JESSICA ANNE PAYNE! STOP AND LISTEN TO ME!" The voice roared and I paused for a moment. "Please Jess, let me explain." The voice mumbles and I slowly turn.

"What could you possibly have to explain Niall? Huh? What?" I snap.

"I-I...During XFactor when we became a band, we promised we wouldn't date each others sisters. I didn't have a sister and I had already met all the boys siblings. I knew none of them were my princess so of course I agreed. I don't have a sister. I have a brother and unless one of the guys are gay, which they are not, then there was nothing in harms way for me. We found out about you a year later when Liam told us. And I saw you for the first time and I knew you were my princess, I knew itjust by looking at you. I TRIED to just be your friend. I tried, but it didn't work. I talked to Liam and all he said was a Promis is a promise. I didn't the only thing I could. I tired to make you hate me, but I just hurt you. I DO NOT HATE YOU! I LOVE YOU JESSICA ANNE PAYNE! WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THE WAY I LOOK AT YOU? LIAM DOES! Liam knows your my princess, but he won't let me date you. I love you," Niall exclaims and I stand there standing stupidly.

"You-You died your hair back," is all I reply as I glance at Niall's hair.

"God! You haven't changed a bit have you?" Niall chuckles and I shake my head no. "Good," He replies before bring me into a tight hug. "I love you," He mumbles into my hair as he holds me tighter.

"I love you too," I reply.


"Honey I'm home and I've had bad day, throw me a piece of ham and oh by the way....I had a cold beer." I sing as I walk into the boys flat. I was back in London.

"Those aren't the lyrics," Niall whispers.

"Obviously they are. I sun them didn't I?" I ask. "Let's play the game of concentration till the boys find us. This is the game of concentration, no repeats or hesitations. I'll go first you go second, category is everything," I sing as I clap my hands to Niall's. "Penis," I yell and Niall glances at me confused. "Hesitation! I win!" I laugh as I slip of my boots. "Never gets old," I sigh. I walk towards the living room where everyone was seated watching toy story and plop myself on Liam's lap. I rest my feet across Louis and Harry's laps and lean my head against Liam's hard abs. I play with Zayn's hair since he was sitting happily in front of me on the floor. Niall smiles at me sprawled out on the couch before he plops himself onto the arm chair. Why is it so quiet? I look at Liam to see his mouth moving but no words. "OH MY GOD I'M DEAF!" I screech and the boys cover their ears. (A/N not meant to offend anyone or anything.sorry if it did.)

"They're just messing with you babe." Niall laughs and I giggle slightly.

"Babe?" Liam snarls.

"Calm down Abby. Just an innocent nickname." I laugh.

"Abby?" Liam asks confused and I nod my head yes as fast as I can.

"Cause you have Abs...." I explain.

"Ah....WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?!?!?! WHY IS IT BLUE?!?!?!" Liam yells all of a sudden and I clasp my hands over my ears.

"Pssshhh, should see my tattoos. And we'll we're on this subject...I had sex with David." I explain.

"WHAT?!?!?" The boys exclaim together and I collapse laughing.

"You should've said hi when I came in," I mumble before walking to my flat next door to say hi to my friends.

Leave them hanging like a boss.

Not really

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