Awesome Girls in Police Stations.

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“I refuse to answer that question without a lawyer,” Liam states.

“Here, I’m your lawyer, now answer the question!” Louis says.

“I refuse to answer the-“Liam starts but Louis interrupts him.


“Fine! But Niall, if you break her heart I’ll break your-“

“Boobs!” Harry cuts in.

“I do not have boobs!” Niall exclaims.

“Au contraire!” Harry replies.

“I DON’T!”




They continue that as I turn to Liam. “Phone Danielle,” I say.

“No! She’ll be mad!”

“DO IT!”



And we keep going as Zayn and Louis starts to talk.

“You stole my mirrors!”

“No I didn’t!”

“Yes you did!”




“YES!” And that is how Paul found us half an hour later.

“GUYS! What is going on?” He asks.

“Liam won’t phone Danielle!”

“Jess is forcing me into something I don’t want to do!”

“Louis stole my mirrors!”

“Zayn is crazy!”

“Harry keeps saying I have boobs!”

“Niall has boobs!”  We all exclaim at once.

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