The Zoo

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"Niall! Put me down you hobo!"I yell as Niall swings me over his shoulder and starts to run ahead of the lads and...wait what is the lady version of lads in London? Ladies? Nope.....anyways....ahead of the lads and Eleanor and Danielle. Yes, I did learn their names, after Louis went and bought me ham. Louis was dating Eleanor and Liam was dating my sister to be Danielle. Awkward? Yes.

"Niall! Don't drop my sister!" Liam yells as we weave through the crowded sidewalks of London. We were going to go to get Flubber. It took a while to convince Liam and Zayn, but with the help of the girls..and Harry...and 4 sets of puppy dog eyes we were getting...A PIGEON! Haha nope..we were getting a dog. Niall almost cried when I suggested a pigeon. Weird boy. We make a good match. Awkward again? Yes.

We finally got out of sight of the other people that were following us, yeah the ones we don't know, by the name of Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Eleanor and Danielle, who we don't know the name of. Yeah them. Well we finally got out of their sights and Niall wrapped his arm around my shoudler and I grabbed his hand. Don't ask me how we didn't get caught by paparrazzi, they must've gone for a donut break....with the cops. "Tomorrow, we are going on a date," Niall says as we continue our walk to the pet store.

"Alrighty, I sound like Liam...." I mumble. "Fancy or casual?" I ask.

"Casual...and a swim suit," Niall replies before quickly dropping his arm for shoulder and turning say hi to the boys who had managed to catch up. "Guys, you passed the pet store...."Zayn laughs.

"We knew that," I say.

"Correction: We had no idea where we were going." Niall replies.


"No! Bad Flubber!" I yell and Louis walks in munching a carrot.

"I didn't do anything!" He exclaims raising his arms. I simple point to the pee stain on the carpet.

"Well that I did...." he mumbles.

"Knew it!" I exclaim. "LOUIS PEED ON THE CARPET!" I yell and Eleanor walks in.

"Um...."She mumbles before grabbing my arm and running to my room where Danielle was sitting.

"Louis!" I hear Liam scold from down below.

"It wasn't actually me! It was the animal!" Louis exclaims.

"The animal is called flubber!" I yell down the stairs before turning to the girls.

"You owe me for causing a diversion to stop Liam from running after you and Niall today. You need to be more careful!" Danielle scolds.

"What you talking 'bout Wallace?"

"It's Willis," Eleanor sighs.

"No it is not! The queen Hamalot said it, so it must be Wallace," I reply smiling smugly.

"'s Willis," Danielle nods.

"Who is queen hamalot?" Eleanor asks.

"The queen of ham!" I exclaim! "Wallace!"







"Will-OH! Lets just go watch the movie!" Danielle exclaims.

"I win!" I exclaim as I bound down the stairs.

"Wait!Hey!" Eleanor yells realizing my con artist ways.

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