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Ok so you guys are all my Best Friends, and I love you all, and I wish I could meet you all, but right now I need a friend, and I need to ask you guys something? 

Am i overreacting? 

Ok here's the list of things that have happened. 

I have this best friend-scratch that-ex-best friend is you will, and she knew everything about me, but lately I am not happy and here's the list why. 

1. so i play guitar and she said that to play guitar it doesn't take any talent, and that it's a stupid instrument. 

2. I met a guy I really liked and she said I was changing for him. 

3. She met someone she liked, and this person plays guitar so she told everyone she taught herself guitar. 

4. I spent 3 HOURS with her on Skype teaching her how to play the D chord and I gave up. she still plays it wrong. 

(this means she changed herself for the person she likes, and not well.) 

5. she hates everyone I like and doesn't even have a reason for it, but she knows that if my friends or family don't like the person I won't date them....they have to have a reason though. 

6. she told me that she was a published author, even though she just posted a book on another website for free, which in that case makes us all published authors. (CONGRATS GUYS! YOU MADE IT!( seriously I'm proud of you all! <3)) when I told her this she proceeded to tell me that I didn't have talent and that you guys only liked my book because I of who was in them? (is this true? do you only like this for One Direction?) I of course replied back "tell that to my 263 fans and 4000+ votes" to which she replied "they don't like you or your writing." ok ouch. 

7. she is convinced that Dan Reynolds from Imagine Dragons looked at her and smiled directly at her at the concert, which could be true, but she said it as though he was looking specifically for her, which he was just being a good person and happy people supported him, plus she was videotaping so he was probably smiling for the camera. my friend and I both found this doubtful, but she kept bragging so I of course said "you know what, I actually met them, and he shook my hand AND smiled at me," (just to shut her up because I wasn't listening to that for another 30 minutes) she then said "you don't even like them or know who they are." I then said "I showed you their first EP when it came out and you said it wasn't your thing," to which she replied "liar, i heard their first EP in 2010," i replied saying; "their first EP came out in 2008," she then said " I know, i'm not an idiot," and I of course let it go cause I wasn't going to argue with her that I heard them first in 2008 in my grandparents garage when my cousin introduced them to me. did i mention this was in front of everyone we knew making me look like a fool? 

8. i've had this one best friend since grade 1 and yeah I've kinda liked him since grade 2, and of course this girl in grade 5 became friends with us, and tells me she likes him, so I back off, cause she's like model pretty and I'm a blob, so he'll choose her, and then she tells me she's over him, ok yay, I go on with life never telling her I like him, until this past year when she stopped hanging out with him, and the day after I tell her that I want to try move forward with him she suddenly becomes more interested again, and refuses to leave me alone with him, and constantly pushes me out of the conversation. ok fine, but then she posts an instagram post with photos of them and she's like you're 10/10, A+++, you've been my best friend forever, and we have been friends longer than anyone, and I think you're great and blah blah blah, AND THIS JUST HAPPENS TO COME OUT WHEN I BRING UP ME LIKING HIM AGAIN! 

9. i don't like going into detail cause it's embarrassing to me (if you're not embarrassed than flaunt it if you want to) but I have this disorder that affects my emotions and senses and it's branched off into many categories, and my friend has anxiety, though her therapist hasn't said this and neither has her doctor, and I'm on medication for it, but anyways, she has this breakdown, I'm comforting her, she yells at me saying I wouldn't understand, and I just let her cause she's obviously having a bad day, but then she makes a competition out of it saying she has it worse and her condition is 10x worse and everything and her doctor hasn't diagnosed her. fine. whatever. yes it pissed me off a bit, but more so because she made it a competition, and it's not something to compete about. 

10. i was struggling with money, i bought concert tickets for the both of us and she was going to pay me back. i needed clothes cause I had holes in my shoes and jeans, and they weren't terrible, but snow was getting in my boots, and my parents thought I had to money to buy my own, and I didn't want to tell them I didn't cause they're strict about my money spending, and I asked her for the money and she says she doesn't have it. fine, I wait a bit longer ask again. doesn't have it. fine. mom buys me boots. fine. My mom then tells me that my friend has a drawer full of 20$, 50$ and 100$ bills but she refuses to spend it so her mom has to pay me. great. 

11. i suggest an exchange program together to France cause we speak french. ok cool she agrees, but she's been mad that I went to Paris before her cause she likes to do it first, it's just how she is, I've grown to accept it, so whatever, but then she signs up for the program, and the day after they stop accepting applications she tells me she's going to Paris. wow. thanks. that was my summer plans. she then tells me that she knows more about the language and the city and that it was always her who was supposed to go first and whatever, i don't really care about what she said specifically, but anyways she bashes my european heritage, and i can't even mention that I don't like the Saskatchewan Roughriders. 

12. she wants to get a job, cool, i've been working for 3 years now, i just resigned from my last job and got a new one to change things up, and we're discussing this, and she's saying that she's going to wait till her parents stop supporting her, and then she'll get a job, and i try to tell her that by then they'll be a lot of people with a lot of experience and she'll have a few difficulties, and she tells me she won't cause "everyone laughs her and she's a great person." (that's a quote) 

13. my birthday is on the 27, i'm babysitting every weekday, working weekends and working evenings, my last day is the 27 for babysitting. I ask her if we can get together on the 28th to celebrate, and she says sure so I book it off, a month later she says no. ok cool, I ask when she can do it, she doesn't answer. I ask again. nothing. fine, i tell her that i'm not changing the day, if she can come great if she can't oh well, and she doesn't reply, but I know she read it. so whatever, i plan things, she never replies, I arrange a ride, and last week she says sounds great i'll be there, so there goes the car arrangements, and everything, thank you so much for being so helpful. some people actually have responsibilities, and other commitments and the world doesn't revolve around you. 

so yeah I think that's the main points, am I overreacting by being so mad and not wanting to talk to her anymore? let me know please? give me you're full opinion! Thank you all so much, I love you all! 

also I wanna do a Q&A so ask and I'll answer in a new chapter next week or so depending on how many questions I get!  

alsoooooo i updated a new book called HIDE it's a Shawn Mendes fanfic so check it out! 

kisees xxx

Love you all! 


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