What did I do to....

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"How could you?" The girl mutters as she sleepily walks around the kitchen island. "Why would you?" She says as she opens the fridge door. She grabs the eggs and milk and mayonnaise. "Now I have to make you a cake," she says as she places the ingredients on the counter. She squashes the eggs with the pal of her hand on the counter, before opening the mayonnaise and letting it fall with a plomp! She pours the whole carton of milk on the counter and starts mixing everything with her hands.She goes to get the flour but ends up grabbing the salt instead. The takes the glass salt shaker and let's it fall to the floor with a crash. A sleepy boy slowly appears in the kitchen door. "Jess?" He mumbles.  


"Jess?" A voice mumbles and I grumble slightly. "What are you doing up?" Niall asks. Up? I'm not up! I don't reply thinking that he's just taking in his sleep."what happened in here?" He exclaims. "Oh boy, you're sleep walking aren't you? Well if course she's not gonna answer Niall!" He mutters an I feel him wrap is arms around my shoulder.  

"Go away," I mumble.  

"Jess you need to go to bed."  

"Why?" I whimper.  

"Because you're not a horse. You can't sleep while standing."  

"It's working pretty well right now."  

"You're talking.You're not asleep." 

"Sleep talking," I say.  


"Niall? You won't betray me right?"  

"Of course not Princess."  

"Good. Either way though, you can't break what's already broken." I mumble as Niall scoops me up in his arms.  

"Jess? Maybe you should stay away from Aleria. I mean you don't know much about her and she was at the police station."  

"Nano , she's fine. It's Emma I should've been careful around. I means he is his girlfriend."  

"I know sweetie, I just don't know who to trust. I mean you stayed in his house! He could've easily killed you!"  

"Yeah. I also stayed in Gwen's brothers house. He could've killed me, but I know he would never. Then again I never thought he would threaten me."  

"When I see him I'll slaughter him."  

"Should we tell the guys?"  

"No, Liam would freak out and take you home. You're safer here with Paul and the body guards. And us boys of course."  

"I just don't understand. What did I ever do to him?"  

"Nothing princess. He's just a sick person." no all says as he lays beside me in the bed and plays with my hair.  

"What did I ever do to you David?" I ask just before I fall asleep to Niall's comforting words.  

Sorry it's short. SURPRISE!!!! any of you see it coming?  


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