Chapter 3

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Conor walked me to my dorm, like he always did, and I gave him a hug as he left. I walked in to see Chase hard at work. It was actually a surprise, considering he was texting me all day complaining of a really bad headache. It's called a hangover sweetie, deal with it.

I shut the door and put my stuff on my bed, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Working hard or hardly working?"

"Almost done babe." I watched as he wrote a few more sentences, finishing up his essay for his introduction to criminology class. "Finally done." He turned around and gave me a sweet kiss on my lips.

I sat on his lap, reading his essay. "Can we talk babe?"

"Sure, but not right now. Maybe over dinner? I'm starving." He rubbed his stomach, making me giggle.

"Well, Conor took me to a really cool place today for lunch. Two visits in one day doesn't seem so bad."

He let out a sigh and wrapped his arms around me. "Why are you hanging out with that Conor guy? You spend more time with him now than you do with me, and we've only been here three days."

"Do I suspense a hint of jealousy, my dear Chase?" I smirked, flipping my hair.

Chase was never the jealous type; it was actually me. Honestly, I would get jealous even when my best friend hugged him. I never told her because I didn't want anything getting in between our friendship. Later on, our friendship was ruined by something utterly stupid, but that's another story.

"Jealousy?" He laughed like a maniac. "Never."

"Never say never, baby." He pouted, making me giggle a bit. I jumped off his lap and smiled. "You have no reason to be jealous. You know you're the only guy that has my heart." It sounded cheesy, but I really did mean it.

"You sure about that?"

"Well, don't forget my dad, my brothers, my cousins, my-"

He cut me off and put his finger on my lips. "I get it!" I started to crack up, almost falling to the floor before Chase pulled me up. "I know you're falling for me, but don't do it literally."

I put my face closer to his, being as close to him as I can get. "Keep dreaming, baby." I gave him a peck on the lips and stood next to him. "So that dinner?"

He looked at me from head to toe before standing and pulling me up. "Dinner... and a show?" He put me down and gave me a smirk.

"Fine." I threw him on my bed and proceeded to start the show. I decided to tease him a bit, singing Rock Me by One Direction. "I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah."

I could see him getting tense. I kept singing to the beat, changing the words every now and then.

"I want you to take me, out to, dinner now." He let out a small laughter before getting up and grabbing his jacket.

"Let's go." I walked towards the door behind him when he stopped and turned to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Love you." He took my hand in his and we walked to his car.

"Who brought your car back?" When he went out to drink with his friends, he took his car, but I never got the chance to go back to pub and bring it back.

"What do you mean? I haven't driven it since the first day of uni." Guess those drinks were pretty strong...

"You seriously don't remember how drunk you got the other day? You woke me up at 3 AM just to come and get you!"

"I don't remember. I'm sorry. I promise never to drink-" He got cut off by the sound of his phone. He fished through his pocket and pulled it out, unlocking it and reading the text he had gotten. "After tomorrow."

I sighed and rested my head back on the seat. "Chase! I don't want what happened the other day to happen again."

"You're not my mom, Ally. I can do whatever the fuck I want!" He punched the steering wheel, making me jump and almost cry of fear. His chest was rising quick, slowing down little by little. "I'm-I'm sorry. I'll tell the guys that something came up."

"Go if you want. Just know that I'm not coming to get you in the middle of the night."

The rest of the car ride to the restaurant was pure silence; you couldn't even hear our breathing. I took out my phone before we got to the restaurant and played Angry Birds. Right before Chase pulled into the parking lot, I got a text.

ConCon: 'You're welcome (;' Wait, what?

'What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?! Aha'

Once I replied, I put my phone in my purse, waiting for Chase to find a good spot to park. When he did, I opened the door, but he stopped me right when I was about to get out.

"Tonight, I'm not going out with the guys. You and me are having a movie night. We still haven't celebrated being here." He smiled and took my hand in his.

I couldn't help but shoot him a smile, too. "Okay, but you're buying the movies." He nodded and we laughed, getting out of the car and walking towards the restaurant. Before we went in, I got another text from Conor.

'I brought Chase's car last night. One of my friends told me about a car someone left at the pub. The keys were in the car'

'Thank you so so much ConCon! I seriously owe you one!'

'I knew you'd say that... How about I take you to the park tonight? I still gotta show you around (:'

I really want to go, but I also want to be with Chase. I haven't really spent time with him since we got here, but I also don't want to ditch Conor.

I put my phone away to think and sat at a table next to Chase. "Babe, would you mind having someone join us tonight?"

I could see the smile on his face turn into a slight frown, but he thought about it and shook his head. "Invite whoever you want."

I nodded and took out my phone again, replying to Conor.

'How about a movie night? You, me, Chase, and buttery popcorn :D'

'Sounds good! x'

After I checked his text, our food came to our table. I couldn't wait to dig in!


Hey hey guys! Sorry about the long wait; writer's block is a real bitch :/

But I'll be updating once or twice a week as originally planned!

And for your entertainment, here's Conor and Anth singing Only Girl In The World by Rihanna! ---> :D

Can we get to 5 or 10 votes? And maybe a few comments? Love you guys so much! (: x

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