Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning dazed and confused, trying to remember what had happened last night. All I could recall at the moment was being dragged out of Conor's dorm by Chase. I remember he was mad because I was close to having sex with Conor, but what did he do to me?

Suddenly, it clicked. "I-I was raped." My face stayed blank. I couldn't feel any emotions right now. I didn't know whether to punch a wall or cry all my tears out.

Chase took my virginity. He took my innocence. I had promised myself that I would wait until the right guy came along. Does this count as breaking my promise?

Yeah, I know I was on the verge to having sex with Conor, but with him, it just felt right. When I'm with him, everything that was bothering me suddenly fades away. I forget all about the bad things because being with him, everything is good. He listens to me when something's bothering me, jokes around to make me laugh, and even takes care of me. I used to experience all this with Chase, but now I knew I would never have it this way with him anymore.

I thought back to the day I met Conor. His blue, sparkling eyes met mine right after I bumped into him. I still can't believe I was clumsy enough to do that. Hey, if it wasn't for my clumsy nature, I wouldn't have met Conor.

Then I thought back to when I met Chase. We were at winter formal, bored out of our minds. We were the nerds of the school, so we didn't really know what to do. I remember him trying to use one of those god damn cheesy pick-up lines for nerds on me, and I couldn't help but laugh. From then on, we started talking while everyone else was dancing. About three months later, Chase asked me to be his girlfriend. I thought he was really funny and sweet, so I said yes. Now, I regret that decision.

I keep wondering, how did this guy that I fell in love with, become the person I most desperately wanted to kill? Don't worry, I would never kill anyone, but you know what I mean.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door. "Come in." I had the sniffles from crying all night, and I was getting a cold, so the words didn't come out too clear.

The door opened and Conor came in. He ran up to me once he saw me. "What's wrong, Ally? Have you been crying?" I shook my head. I wasn't ready to tell him what had happened last night. "Come on, I'll help you get cleaned up." He led me to the bathroom and I looked up to see my reflection in the mirror.

My make-up was smudged and I basically looked like a crayon attacked my face. "Why don't you go to the cafeteria and get us some breakfast? I'm going to take a quick shower and I'll meet you there in a few." I knew he didn't want to leave, but I gave him a reassuring look and he gave me a quick hug. "I'll be quick, okay?" He nodded and left.

I took off my clothes, which I'm surprised Chase had put back on me, and let it fall to the floor. I turned the water on and stepped into the shower when it was just the right temperature, letting it fall all over me. Once I finished, I rushed out of the bathroom and changed into a pink T-shirt, gray sweats, and white slippers. I just didn't feel like dressing up like usual today, so I let my hair fall naturally and left the dorm, taking my phone and bag with me.

While I was on my way to the cafeteria, I bumped into Chase. Just my fucking luck. "Where do you think you're going?" His hand started to rise, giving me the impression that he was ready to slap me at any moment.

"I'm going to get breakfast at the cafeteria." I closed my eyes and got ready to feel his hand slap me across my face, but instead, he kissed my cheek and kept walking. What the actual fuck? I stood there in shock for a minute, until I remembered I had to meet Conor at the cafeteria.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw Conor right away. He was sitting at the far corner, two plates set with some very delicious-looking food at the table. Once I saw it, I ran toward him and sat down, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before starting to eat. "Take your time, Ally. We have all day to eat, remember? No classes until tomorrow." I rolled my eyes and heard him chuckle.

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