Chapter 18

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These past few days, I've been thinking about what Anna told me the other day. "Please, Ally! You guys would be great together!" She was practically begging for Conor and I to be a couple! I wouldn't blame her, though. I was begging for that, too.

I had also been thinking about Conor. He hasn't been himself these past few days. I mean, he's still being silly and all, but I feel as if something has been bothering him. This all started the day we were babysitting Anna, so something must've happened that made him not himself.

And, I've been thinking about that bastard Chase. I'm surprised he hasn't hit me or anything since the day he raped me. Since then, he's actually been pretty sweet. I don't want to admit it, but I still love him.

I know what you're thinking: How could you love someone that's been treating you like shit? Well, it's complicated. And I'm the type of girl that falls too fast when it comes to guys. I basically fell for him when we met, so I guess that's why I'm like this.

I shook away all these thoughts and grabbed my stuff to head off to class. The good thing was Conor and I were going to rehearse tonight. I really don't mind, especially when we dance close to each other. I mean, come on, his hip thrusts and body rolls while he sings are just too sexy to resist and I-STOP! I went back to focusing on my day ahead.

When I walked into class, Conor wasn't there. I decided to text him because I wouldn't make it back in time if I went to his dorm to check on him.

'Everything okay? Text me when you can xx'

I put my phone back in my pocket, only to get a reply from him a minute later.

'Not feeling so well. See you tonight? (: xx'

'Wouldn't miss rehearsals for anything! :D xx'

I left my phone out on the chair next to me and tried to focus on what Mr. Martin was talking about. He told the class that Conor and I would be entering the competition. I still don't understand how he knew because we hadn't told anybody.

After class, which seemed to last forever, I stopped by the cafeteria and grabbed some breakfast, a plate for me and a plate for Conor. Since I didn't have another class today, I decided on stopping by quickly before going to my dorm to take a nap.

Right when I was about to leave, Chase walked in. But he wasn't alone. He was with another girl. And he had his arm around her.

I hid behind the nearest trash can before they could see me. Believe it or not, it actually worked. Phew, just like in the movies!

I ran to Conor's dorm and knocked more than I should've. "Whoa, Ally, calm down." I stormed inside, not knowing whether to cry or punch a wall. "What's wrong?"

"Chase was with another girl! He's been cheating on me this whole time!" I fell on the bed, crying into the pillow. "I'm so fucking stupid! How did I not see this before? I knew he was doing this, but I didn't want to believe it." I laid there for a few minutes while Conor sat next to me, rubbing my back.

"I know you feel bad right now, but he isn't worth all these tears. He isn't worth anything." I sat up and wiped the tears off my face. "He doesn't deserve an amazing girl like you."

I pushed my hair behind my ear and thought for a few minutes. "You know what? I've got an idea." I stood up and grabbed my phone. "Text a few people and tell them to be at the auditorium in an hour. I'm going to take a quick shower." Conor stared at me, but eventually shrugged and did as I told.

I was going to have some fun today...


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