Chapter 16

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"We're finally back in Landaaaan!" Conor put his hands up and jumped as we passed through the gates to get into the airport. The crowd of people waiting for other passengers on the plane wouldn't stop staring, but I couldn't stop laughing at how much fun Conor was having! "What's so funny?"

I turned to walk forward and whistled, but I found myself getting slightly tackled just a few seconds later. "Conor!" He picked me up from behind and took me to the luggage belt to pick up our stuff. He put me back on the ground and I turned to face him. "Was that really necessary?"

He shook his head. "Nah, but it was fun." I rolled my eyes and proceeded to grabbing my suitcase from the luggage belt when I felt a hand stop mine. "Here, I got it." He grabbed our suitcases and rolled them over to a row of seats. "I'll be right back. I'm going to see if we could get a taxi or something." I laughed as he started to run the other direction, hands up as high as they could go.

Originally, Tristan, that guy from lyric writing, was supposed to pick us up, but he and some other guys wanted to get some drinks. I'm one hundred percent sure Chase was going too because I heard him shout at Tristan to hurry up when he was on the phone with Conor earlier. Eh, at least I'll get back to an empty dorm to sleep off the jet lag.

I was about to take out my phone and log into twitter when Conor came running from across the airport lobby. "I got us a taxi, but he wants us to hurry up. That dude is really impatient." He took the suitcases while I took our carry-on bags. "He's only giving us two minutes to get to the car." Immediately, we started running through the crowd of people.

The airport was still really packed since a lot of people from our flight didn't have rides either, so we had to run through all of them, but failed miserably. I fell about halfway into the crowd...

"Ouch!" I fell in between a young couple, probably the same age as me. I think I interrupted something, because they couldn't stop glaring at me with angry eyes. "Woops, my bad. I'm so sorry about-" I was cut off by Conor picking me up and dragging me across the crowd.

Once we made it outside, we noticed the taxi that was supposed to take us back to uni was gone. "Shit. Now what are we going to do?!"

I sat down at a bench near us and took my phone out of my pocket. "I'll ask Sage to come. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind." Twenty minutes later, Sage and Eric came to save the day! "Sorry for bothering you, but nobody else was available."

She shook her head. "No need to apologize. I don't mind. Just promise me you guys won't suck face in my car." I rolled my eyes and sat in the back with Conor.

We spent the whole car ride talking about performing in a competition that was coming up. Every January, there's a competition for singers and dancers from London. It wasn't that well known, but there's usually a lot of talent scouts that were really famous there, so we wouldn't miss this chance.

Unfortunately, the Dizzy Dancers decided to make a career out of their dancing solo, so they wouldn't join us. I didn't mind much, because it gave Conor and I a chance to try it out together.

When we got back to uni, I took my stuff back to my dorm and left it there, making my way to Conor's dorm since I knew I would be bored out of my mind if I stayed at mine. Plus, I really didn't want to see Chase.

Right before our flight, I texted him to meet me at the park today so we can talk. I chose the park because I knew he didn't have the balls to try something in public.

I walked into Conor's dorm and caught him changing into his PJs. He only had his pajama pants on, but I didn't complain. I'm pretty sure he had just taken a quick shower because his hair was wet and messy. Damn, he looked sexy.

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