Chapter 9

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Like yesterday, I woke up with a massive headache, but I couldn't take any pain medicine or I would fall asleep in class, which is more than unacceptable in university. I decided to go to Starbucks again for coffee and a muffin, but there was already breakfast for me on the nightstand. I opened the container and found a ham and cheese omelette with hash brown potatoes and orange juice. There was also a note attached to the top of the container.

'Good morning! Had to start class early today! Enjoy your breakfast babe! I love you (:'

What the hell? Last night, this jerk had the nerve to throw me around and almost hit me, but now he tells me he loves me? Does he not remember how much I was crying all night? How in the world did this all happen?

I shrugged it off and left the breakfast on the nightstand, not touching one single thing. I finally decided on getting the same meal at the cafeteria next to my class. I didn't want him to think I would still be his little love bug or whatever the hell he wants me to be. I had to talk to someone, and of course, Conor came to mind.

I sat at an empty table next to the door, so I could just rush out if I took to long to finish my breakfast. I kept my eyes on the door, fearing that Chase would come into the cafeteria and do something similar to what he did last night. Once I finished my breakfast, I threw away the container and took my orange juice with me to class.

When I got to class, I found Conor sitting at the very back of the room, a sad expression on his face. I walked up to where he was and sat next to him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Is everything okay? You seem sad."

He sighed and turned to meet my eyes. I fell in a daze again, but shook my head to get out of it. "I couldn't stop thinking about you yesterday. I was worried; I saw how Chase was dragging you back to your dorm."

I thought about last night and tears escaped my eyes. I know I should tell someone, but Chase would find out and who knows what he'll do to me next. "I know, but he wanted to um, surprise me. He bought me a new bracelet yesterday and couldn't wait to show it to me." I turned to look inside my bag, searching for a bracelet he hadn't seen before, but I couldn't find one. I sighed and turned back to face him. "Damn, I think I left it on my nightstand."

"That's not a problem. If you want to wear a new bracelet, how about this one?" He took a charm bracelet out of his pocket and wrapped it around my arm. I looked at all the charms: a music note, a microphone, and an A. It looked so beautiful, and I couldn't help but smile. "I hope you like it. I went for a walk yesterday around town and saw it on a window display. I couldn't resist, so I bought it for you."

He smiled at me and I couldn't help but blush. "You are seriously the sweetest guy in the world!" I gave him a little peck on the lips and admired my bracelet. "By the way, do you want to start rehearsing for the talent show? I want us to give an awesome performance!"

"Sure, but I don't want to get in between you and Chase. I don't want what happened yesterday to happen again."

"It won't ever happen again; I'll be sure of it." I gave him a reassuring smile. "So rehearsing?"

He nodded in agreement. "Okay, but I think we should rehearse in the auditorium. I don't want us to be bumping into each other in my dorm like the other day."

"I didn't mind." I winked and messed with his hair. "But it's whatever you want."

"The auditorium it is!" He took out his laptop and handed it to me. I took out my headphones and listened to the music while skimming through the lyrics, trying to learn and memorize them by the time we would go to the auditorium to rehearse. "Class is about to start." I nodded and took my headphones out of my ears, putting them back in my bag.

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