Chapter 5

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*Two months later*

Midterms are here, and my stress level is over the roof! Chase had to write a simple ten-page essay having something to do with the laws of England while Conor and I were paired up to perform a song. I had no problem with performing in front of people; the problem was we had to compose the song.

Our performance was tomorrow, and we still hadn't gotten any inspiration for our song! We've been hanging out in his dorm for hours, doing everything we could to figure out what to write, but we've had no luck. We decided to take a break and watch a few videos on YouTube, checking out covers people posted of songs that were topping the charts now, hoping to find some inspiration.

"I think we should stop for now. My head is killing me!" I laid back on the chair, holding my head back.

"Fine. Do you want to play cards or something? There's a deck of cards right there, next to you." He pointed to a stack of cards on the desk, all a little damaged from the times they've been used. "Let's play poker. I'll deal for now."

"I should warn you, I'm pretty good at poker." I smirked as he handed me my cards.

"Ally baby, you wouldn't be willing to put your money where your mouth is, would you?" He pulled out a few coins from his pocket. "Cha-ching!"

I laughed and pulled out some change from my purse, which I rarely took out. I think my purse could be a piggy bank, considering I had almost ten dollars in change from all my shopping trips. "We're playing with American money. Might be too hard for you, but you'll get the hang of it." I split my change in half and gave the other half to Conor, considering he didn't have any American currency on him. "Sure you wanna play this game?"

He nodded and set down the cards he would pull out of his hand, grabbing the ones he would replace them with from the deck. "I can do it better than you."

I have to admit, he was pretty good at this. He won the first few hands and almost left me broke. "Daddy's getting paid tonight!" I rolled my eyes, finding myself staring into his right after. "I see you staring, but don't worry, I know I'm irresistable."

I laughed and set my hand of cards down. "Don't flatter yourself, baby. I catch you staring at me too, and I know you love what you see."

This constant teasing, and flirting, went on for a good hour, until we both decided to stop having our money go back and forth and focus on writing. I kept hearing Conor hum a tune as I wrote random words on a sheet of paper. "Hey Con, what's that you're humming."

He stopped humming and began to sing. "I can do it better than, better than you." It was catchy, but it needed a lot more work.

We continued to think on how to add to the song all night, finishing at maybe two in the morning. Our class wouldn't start for another twelve hours, and it was the only class we had that day, so luck was definitely on our side.

"Hey, could I sleep over tonight?"

"You just want to get in my bed." He winked and lay down on his bed, making room for me. I rolled my eyes and lay down next to him, staying as far away as humanly possible from him.

"Yes I do. I want to get in your bed and sleep. S-L-E-E-P!" He laughed and moved closer to me, putting his arm over me the same way he does when we hug.

I closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep, but I was interrupted when I felt something on my lips.

I opened my eyes to find Conor smiling his usual cute smile. "Sorry, you had a little something there." I smiled and went back to trying to sleep, listening to Conor hum a lullaby, which made me fall asleep even quicker.


We got to class a little early, so it was only us and two other people, Monica and Jacob. They were rehearsing while Conor and I watched and I have to admit, they were pretty good.

Conor tapped my shoulder and I turned to meet his eyes. "Don't be nervous. Mr. Martin is going to love our performance." He gave me a reassuring hug, making me feel a little better.

Just then, Mr. Martin and the rest of the class walked into the room. "Okay everyone, let's go to the auditorium!" We all followed behind him.

The auditorium was amazing; it looked like a stage out of Glee or something. The stage was huge, too, which was good because we had a lot of room to move. When we rehearsed in Conor's room, we kept bumping into each other. Some of those times, it was on purpose, I admit it, but now, we could just focus on passing this performance.

We all watched in silence as everyone took their turn. Some of them had a little fumbles here and there, but they were all great. I became even more nervous because Mr. Martin wouldn't call our name, and I just wanted to get this overwith already. 

"Last but not least, Ally and Conor. Please step onto the stage and begin your performance." We nodded and walked up to the stage, Conor on the far left and me on the far right.

The music, which we barely had time to compose, started playing, and we began singing.

I can do it better than, better than you.

Better than, better than you.

I stayed where I had originally stood, watching Conor as he sang and moved to the beat.

I can tell that you're watching me

And I know you're lovin' everything that you see

The way I got you goin' crazy, I'll make you want to dance for me

And I've been walkin' 'round like I just don't care

Got everybody lookin' like I'm a true player

So what's up, so what's up

He kept turning to face me as he sang, which made me blush a bit.

I see you staring, but I ain't mad at that

Why don't you do, you and, I'll do me right back

Ready to go, oh, sure you wanna play this game

I can do it better than, better than you

I can do it better than, better than you

So baby let's go, oh, I know you won't forget about me

I can do it better than, better than you

I can do it better than, better than you

It was now my turn to sing, so I ran up next to Conor.

So you get what you see with me

Take a picture but you ain't gettin' 3D

Boy, slow down, come here, I'ma make you sing for me

I felt myself get a little shaky, but I continued and made my voice stronger.

So you say that you're better than me

If I take it all off, bet you'll like what you see

So what's up, so what's up

I felt myself get weaker, my knees almost failing on me, but I knew I had to hold on until the end.

I see you staring, but I ain't mad at that

Why don't you do, you and, I'll do me right back

The music started fading, and I could barely hear it. A few seconds later, I felt myself fall to the floor. I heard my name being said repeatly by Conor, fading after each time he said it. Soon enough, I couldn't hear anything at all.


What's going on with Ally?! :o

You'll find out soon enough!

Thank you so much for all the reads and votes, even though I suck at updating :/

Enjoy! Love you guys so much (: x

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