Chapter 11

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*Two weeks later*

Today was finally the day of the talent show! I've been so excited to get the chance to perform with Conor again! Chase, obviously, hated the idea, but he knows this is my dream and he won't stop me from living it. Although, he has been very demanding these past few days.

Two days ago, he found out that I had gone to the park with Conor the other day and practically knocked me down to the ground. I didn't mind that he knew we had gone because it wasn't a big deal. If he had found out we were close to doing something else, I would've been knocked unconcious in seconds.

Yeah, he's becoming more abusive towards me. I know I should tell someone, but he warned me about telling people. "If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you."

I know that's usually what people say to scare others, but the way he said it, with those piercing green eyes of his and the seriousness in his voice, made me believe him. I'm basically fearing for my life all day and all night, whether I'm awake or asleep. This feeling hasn't shook off these past few days, but I hope it will soon.

I stood backstage with Conor and his family, who had stopped by to see us perform, and waited for Chase to come. He said he wanted to see me before the show, so I expected him to be here by now.

I know what you're thinking: Why in the world are you still with that jerk? Well, like I said, I'm scared he might actually follow through with what he said and kill me when I least expect it. Also, nobody, not even Conor, knows about what he's done to me, so we have to act as if nothing's wrong. It kills me inside, but I know if I do something, Chase will go against everyone I love and try to hurt them. I would do anything to protect the ones I love, even if it means being abused every night.

A few tears were about to escape my eyes from thinking about all this when Conor wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, is everything okay?" I wiped the tears off my face, trying not to ruin my make-up. "Don't worry, you're going to do great. We've rehearsed a lot of times, so I know this will be the perfect performance."

I looked up at him and gave him a peck on the lips. "Can I talk to you? It's really important."

He was about to say something when the voice of the talent show's host came roaring through the speakers. "Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to our own Conor Maynard and Ally Moore!"

We ran onto the stage and got into our positions. The music started playing and I felt an adrenaline rush. This happened to me everytime I was on stage. It was the best feeling in the world.

The curtains opened and Conor turned to face the audience, starting off the song.

Looking for a girl that was here but now, she's gone

Felt so good even though she did me wrong

She knows what I want, but she's bad for me

She gets what she wants when she's touching me

I should've known better, but she took my self control

I turned to face the audience and sing my first solo from the song.

You can take, my heart, like a criminal

Won't you make, me believe, I'm the only one

Conor and I faced each other, our hands on each other's necks, preparing to sing together.

So grab me by the neck and don't you ever let go

Mess me up so good until I'm begging for more

Better Than You (Conor Maynard)Where stories live. Discover now