Chapter 14

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I woke up at around 9 AM to find Conor and I had the house to ourselves. My parents had left to work while Tyler went to pick up my brother Jason from his house. We were all going out to eat at noon to celebrate Jason being promoted to manager where he works. It's a pretty big deal considering he'll start making eighty-thousand dollars a year now! That's good for me because I can ask him to let me borrow money without feeling bad now!

I turned to see Conor still fast asleep, looking as cute as ever. I decided to take a picture and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. Wait, is this weird? Eh, whatever.

Once I opened up the camera app, I turned back to face Conor and took his picture. I waited for it to load and noticed he made a kissy face in the picture.

"Nice try." I jumped a bit, noticing that Conor had been awake this whole time. I took the pillow from under my head and threw it over his face, but he stopped it and it hit me. "You deserved that. If you wanted a picture, you should've just told me." He winked, to which I rolled my eyes.

"I'd rather just see you in person." I winked and he looked down, making me laugh really hard.

"You may just get what you want, but you have to do what I tell you to do."

"Why tell me when you can show me?" He chuckled and pulled me closer to him, colliding his lips with mine.

His lips were soft, the taste of wine from last night's dinner still on them. I felt his tongue on my lips, begging for entrance, which I gave him. Our tongues danced around, driving me crazy.

I pushed the covers off of us and to the floor, getting on top of him to kiss down his neck. I heard a soft moan escape his mouth, making me giggle as I continued to kiss him. He slept with no shirt on, which made it easier for me to kiss down his body.

He flipped us over so that now, I was below him. He ran his hands up and down my thighs while kissing down my neck, driving me even more crazy than I was before.

I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the floor while he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off as quickly as he could. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him struggling with the zipper, to which he looked at me with his eyebrow raised. After a little more trouble, he finally pulled his pants down and threw them on the floor, next to my shirt. He kissed me again, this time, with more strength and want.

I was about to pull down my shorts when I heard the front door slam shut. "We're home!"

"Shit. It's Tyler and Jason." Conor got up and put his pants back on while I put my shirt on and ran to the bathroom. "Act like you're sleeping while I take a shower."

"Can I join you?"

"Sure, if you want my family to kill you after a day of knowing you." He ran to the bed and threw the covers over himself while I got ready to take a shower.

I was about to get into the shower when I heard Tyler walk into my room. I heard his footsteps move closer to the bathroom, then back to my bedroom door. Phew, that was close!


Conor and I were dressed and ready by 11, which gave us about half an hour of free time before we would have to leave. My parents decided on going to Olive Garden to eat, so Jason promised we would be there by noon and have a table ready.

Tyler was too lazy to drive, so I drove us all over there, Jason and Conor sitting in the back. I kept looking at my rear-view mirror to make sure my brother hadn't killed Conor, but they were joking around the whole ride over there.

It was a surprise to me because the first time I introduced Chase to Jason, I could tell by his face that he wanted to kill him on the spot. Honestly, I wouldn't mind him doing that now.

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