Chapter 15

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Tomorrow was our last day in Malibu, and also New Years', so Conor and I decided to go out and party with some of my old friends. They always throw a party on New Years' Eve, and it always ends the same: two people doing it upstairs in their parents' bedroom, people passed out drunk in the backyard, and a mess not even house cleaners would handle. I had only come over once, but it was usually all anybody could talk about for days at school.

I decided to wear a dress my mom had bought for me a few days ago. It was a red dress with a peplum top style at the hips. I paired it with my new, black heels and a black jacket. Conor wore a white T-shirt, paired with red jeans and a black jacket to match mine.

Once I was dressed, I applied some natural-looking make-up and straightened my hair. When I finished, I put everything away and grabbed my phone and purse from my desk.

I was about to go downstairs when Conor stood at the doorframe. "Baby, are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you got fine written all over you!" I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You seriously look stunning."

"Well, thank you. I have to say, you look pretty handsome yourself." He winked at me, causing me to let out the laughter I was holding in from the pick-up line he used. "Hey, is that a mirror in your pants?" He looked down and looked back up at me with a confused look on his face. "'Cause I can see myself in them." He rolled his eyes and took my hand, leading me downstairs.

"Mom, we're going over to Andrea's house for a while. Don't wait up!" We were about to leave when my mom came rushing in. She just stood there, staring at us. "What's wrong?"

"You're not going out looking like that!" Oh God, Mom. Please don't embarass me in front of Conor again. "I think that outfit needs a little something else." She went to the dining room and walked back in with a necklace. "I'm pretty sure this will make that outfit even more amazing."

It was a heart-shaped locket, and it was beautiful. I opened it and saw it had something engraved into it.

'If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough.' This is the quote I live by, and when I first heard it, I thought it was nice. Since then, whenever I dream big about something like my singing career, I remember this quote. I'm usually not scared when it comes to singing, so you could say I'm a really big dreamer!

A tear escaped my eye. Not of sadness, but of happiness. "Mom, this is great. I love it." Conor took it from my hand and placed it around my neck. I held the heart in my hand and kept admiring it. "Thank you so much." I gave my mom a hug and realized we were both crying. "I missed you so much. I'm going to miss you even more when I go back to London tomorrow."

"Now now hun, don't think about that right now. Go have fun at your party." She let me go and Conor and I walked down the hallway towards the door. "Don't come home too late! Your flight's at 9 AM!" I waved at her without looking back.

I closed the door behind us as I began to make my way to my brother's car. I didn't have my old car today because I maybe, kind of, sort of, crashed it two days ago. It wasn't my fault!

Tyler works for a company that sells supplies for mechanics and tire shops, which means he has to drive around the city, and a little further, to get orders. That day, he had to drive to the company in Los Angeles to place in his orders for the week, and he had about a two-hour drive on his way and back. When he got home, he asked if I could take him to get something to it. Me being the awesome sister that I am, I said yes.

We were on our way back from an awesome pizza place that was ten minutes from the house when a guy ran a red light while I was crossing. I didn't see him, and because of that, I drove right into the driver's side of his car. Thankfully, none of us got extremely hurt and we only needed a quick trip to the hospital, but my insurance company had to pay for the damage to his car. This meant I kind of had a strike on my license, or a warning, I guess you could say. Either way, I got in big trouble when Tyler and I got home.

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