Chapter 20

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*Day of the Competition*

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the 2013 London Sing-Off!" Everybody was getting ready backstage while the host of the show was getting ready to introduce a special guest to the show. "The contestants are getting ready backstage, so while we wait, please welcome Olly Murs!"

I started freaking out while everybody else stared at me. "Oh my god, Olly Murs is here! I need to get a picture with him and his autograph and-"

Conor put his finger over my mouth. "You'll get to do that soon! For now, why don't you give me a hug?" I smiled and hugged him tight. "Oh hey, I've been meaning to ask you something." He put his finger under my chin so I would look into his eyes. "The dance is tomorrow, and I know it's kind of late notice, but... do you want to go? You know, with me?"

I laughed and took his hand in mine. "I was actually planning on asking Olly to be my date to the dance." He acted like he was crying on my shoulder. "But I think you're a better choice."

He smiled and lifted me up into a big bear hug. "Yay!" He spun around, making me dizzy. When he put me down, he whispered into my ear. "After the dance, I want you to treat me like an animal." His voice sent chills down my spine.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips and moved to a closer spot backstage to watch Olly perform. He was singing Dance With Me Tonight.

We're getting sweaty, hot and heavy in the crowd now

Loosen up and let your hands go down, down

Go with it girl, yeah just close your eyes, yeah

I was dancing along to the music, minding my own business, when I felt someone's hands on my hips. Assuming it was Conor, I kept dancing, but I was in for a surprise when I turned around.

"Chase? Didn't I get rid of your sorry butt for good the other day? What the hell are you doing here?"

He pulled me closer to him, his face just an inch from mine. "I came to teach you a lesson. You and your little boyfriend." He lifted his shirt up, revealing a knife.

I was scared for my life now. I knew he would try something, but I didn't know he would try tonight.

I pulled him into the nearest janitors' closet I could find and closed the door. "Why are you doing this? What the hell did I ever do to you?"

"You broke my heart!" He pushed me against the wall, resting his hands on my shoulders. "I loved you. Hell, I still love you! But I guess you're too busy with Gaynard to notice!"

I took his hands off my shoulders. "First of all, it's Maynard! And second, I did love you! You were the one who was out hooking up with other girls!" He slapped me across the face. "Get out of here. You're not going to ruin this for me. I'm not going to let you ruin my life anymore."

"I never ruined your life; I made it better."

"Never ruined it? You raped me! Have you ever thought about how that scarred me? Every night, I think of myself as a worthless piece of garbage. That night, I wanted to kill myself just to escape the hell I was living with you. I don't want to feel like that again, so leave my sight, and my life, now!"

He chuckled evilly. "Such a pretty girl, but not very smart. You're not going to get rid of me that easily." His left hand met my hip, while the other reached for the knife. "Don't worry, this is only going to hurt a lot." Suddenly, the door flew open.

"Ally? What are you doing in here with him?" Conor's face turned to disgust when he met Chase's eyes. "What are you doing with my girlfriend?"

Chase turned to face Conor and grabbed him by the neck. "I'm just trying to take back what's rightfully mine: Ally's love. She loves me, not you, so why don't you stay away from us?"

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