Chapter 19

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I went to the admissions office bright and early to sort out some stuff. It took a while, but from now on until the end of uni, I would be rooming with Conor. Surprisingly, they didn't make us switch dorms, considering Conor's only had enough space for one bed. I wouldn't it, though. One bed would be enough for us. We won't be sleeping anyway, if you know what I mean...

Once I sorted things out, Conor helped me move my stuff into my dorm. It was a good thing I took everything out before I broke up with Chase. I bet he's going on a major rampage right now.

I took my phone out of my purse and called Conor. "Ugh, come on, pick up!" I heard a phone ringing behind me and immediately turned around, only to find myself being tackled by Conor. "You really get a joy out of attacking me, huh?" He chuckled. "Well, I get a joy out of eating, so how about you buy me lunch?" I smiled as he took my hand and led me to his car.

"Instead of buying you lunch, I'm going to make you lunch." He turned on the ignition and backed out of the parking lot. "I'm pretty sure nobody's home in Brighton right now, and my mom wouldn't mind if we went over." I shrugged and stared out the window.

There was a bunch of traffic today, so it took us about two hours to get to Brighton. I didn't mind; Conor was entertaining me by turning up the radio and singing Girl On Fire while the windows were down. The looks on other people's faces were priceless!

Just as Conor predicted, nobody was home. He took the keys out of his pocket and put it in the lock. Once the door was unlocked, he motioned for me to walk in and closed the door behind us. It was so quiet, I could hear a bug buzzing in the other room, which was getting on my last nerve.

I walked into the living room and put my purse on the couch, then following Conor into the kitchen. "Today, we're going to be cooking..." Drum roll! "...cereal!"

I laughed and crossed my arms. "Did we really just drive two hours over here for cereal? We could've gotten some at the cafeteria!"

He waved his hand. "It's not just any cereal! It's a Conor Maynard original recipe!" He grabbed two cereal boxes from the cabinet above the sink and two bowls. I sat on a chair next to the kitchen counter to watch him. "First, you add some Fruit Loops." He added a whole bunch of cereal into the bowls and set it on the counter. "Then you add Frosties."

"That's going to taste horrible..."

"It won't, trust me!" I shrugged and kept watching him. "Finish it off with Rice Krispies!" Once he poured the cereal into the bowl, he put them back in the cabinet and grabbed a carton of chocolate milk from the fridge. "It tastes really good with chocolate milk. Regular milk is too bland." I raised an eyebrow as he added the milk and handed me my bowl. "Try it! It's delicious!"

He handed me a spoon and I tried it. Surprisingly, I didn't puke! "Oh crap, it actually is good!" Conor raised an eyebrow. "I shouldn't have doubted your skills, Mr. Maynard." I chuckled and kept eating.

"Mr. Maynard? That's pretty sexy..."

"Just like you." I widened my eyes. "Oh shit, did I say that out loud?" He nodded and laughed. "Now that I told you that, your ego is gonna be worse."

"You of all people should know I don't find myself hot. And my ego is just fine, thank you very much."

I jumped off the chair and walked up to him. "Well, you should, because you are a sexy beast." We laughed and I found myself being pulled closer to Conor. "You're perfect, Conor."

He shook his head. "Nobody's perfect, Ally."

"Maybe not, but you're perfect to me." I got on my tip-toes and kissed him. "You really are."

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