Chapter 4

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Chase and I went to a video store near uni to buy a few DVDs for our movie night. After a bit of friendly arguing, we bought 3 of the Halloween movies. Looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight...

I texted Conor to meet us at our dorm, since Chase had bought a new flat-screen TV which we still hadn't turned on.

'Be there in a few! x'

I locked my phone and set it on my nightstand, plugging it in to get charged. Once I knew it was charging, I layed a blanket on the floor so it wouldn't feel so uncomfortable when we sat down to watch the movies.

"So Ally, who did you invite?" Chase handed me a bowl full of popcorn and I set it on the bed, sitting down and taking a few kernels.

"Do you remember Conor?" He nodded. "I invited him. I hope that's alright babe."

He sat down on the bed next to me, letting out a huge sigh while he had his hands behind his head. "Ally..." He was about to say something else, but thought about it, his mouth wide open the whole time. I threw some popcorn in his mouth, making him laugh. "Nevermind. I can't be upset with you." He kissed my cheek and held me tight. Just when he was going to kiss me again, there was a knock  at the door, to which he let out another huge sigh.

I walked to the door and opened it, finding Conor and a little girl, which I presumed to be his sister, hiding behind him. "I hope you don't mind that Anna is here. My brother was supposed to watch her, but left her with me while he went out."

I shook my head and took a step to stand next to Anna. "Hey sweety, I'm Ally." I held out my hand for her to shake, which she did, and a smile started to form on her face. "Let's go inside and watch movies? You get to pick the first one." She nodded and I started for the room.

I realized moments later that Conor was still outside, standing out there with a puppy-dog look on his face. "Come on, Concon, you can come in, too." I laughed and took his hand, pulling him inside to join us.

Anna ran up to Conor, whispering in his ear, but just loud enough for me to hear. "Ally is very pretty."

"I know." They both giggled, making me giggle as well. "What are you laughing at?" I shook my head, giggling a little more. "So this movie? It's what I came for!"

"Ask your little sister what we're watching. I told her she could pick!" I walked over to Anna and sat next to her. "I have Another Cinderella Story, Confessions of a Shopaholic, and Mean Girls. Any of them catch your eye?"

She looked at the covers and read the back of all the DVD boxes, making her decision a few moments later. "Confessions of a Shopaholic!" I nod and make my way towards the PlayStation 3, the closest thing we have to a DVD player.

I log into my PS3 account and put in the DVD, waiting for the screen to go black, meaning the previews were about to start. When they started, I immediately pulled up the menu and pressed Play, sitting on the floor in between Chase and Anna.

I'd watched this movie so many times, I almost knew it by heart. A few minutes into it, I got bored of watching it and pulled out my phone, logging onto twitter. I am such a twitter addict...

After minutes of going through my timeline and retweeting a few tweets, I decided to tweet.

'Movie night with @HighSpeedCHASE @ConorMaynard and Anna! Craving some popcorn...'

Once the tweet was sent, I went back to watching the movie, only to be interrupted by my phone vibrating just seconds later. I unlocked it and went back on twitter only to find that Chase and Conor had tweeted me.

@ConorMaynard '@EnchantedMee_ @HighSpeedCHASE hand over the popcorn and nobody gets hurt...'

@HighSpeedCHASE '@ConorMaynard @EnchantedMee_ all gone... you snooze, you lose bro!'

I turned to my left and saw Chase had finished the popcorn before anyone else could have some. I shook my head and took the bowl from his hand. "I'll make some more, you fatties." The good thing is we had a microwave in the dorm so I wouldn't have to walk to the cafeteria to pop some more popcorn.

I popped the popcorn in the microwave, stopping it at the last second, feeling like a hero who just diffused a bomb right on time before it killed anyone. After emptying the bag of popcorn into the bowl, I made my way back to the room, finding Conor falling asleep and Anna talking with Chase.

"Conor!" He jumped and straightened up, making me laugh a bit. "Popcorn anyone?" I sat down back where I was and handed the bowl of popcorn to Anna.

I was mostly on twitter throughout the rest of the movie, tweeting my brother most of the time. I missed my family so much, but my brother told me Chase and I were welcome to stay at his house over the holidays, which made me feel a little better.

Once the movie ended, I picked out the first movie from the Halloween series and put it in the PS3. I mentally prepared myself for the horror of it, me being the coward that I am. I grabbed my teddy bear from my bed and hugged it, resting my head on Chase's shoulder the whole time.

The movie was almost ending, which is where the most gruesome killings began! I covered my eyes and jumped everytime the scary music dropped. I was beyond horified during the last of the murderings, which is when Conor decided to scare me by running his hand up my back and moving his fingers creepily on my neck.

I let out a huge scream, which made Anna and Chase jump and Conor laugh. "I'll get you for that, Maynard. Sleep with one eye open tonight."

"Don't worry, Conor! I'll protect you!" Anna hugged her brother, which made me smile a bit at how cute they looked. I still wondered how this 10-year-old wasn't scared one bit while watching the movie. She made me look like a little wimp, which I am when it comes to these things.

Conor looked at his watch and his eyes widen. "I have to take you back home, Anna! It's getting late, and you have school tomorrow!"

"But I don't want to! I want to stay here!"

"How about this, Anna? Why don't we all go out to dinner together soon? Is that alright?" She nodded and smiled, giving me a big hug. "Goodnight, have fun at school tomorrow. Chase, I'll be back in a few." Chase just waved and I walked with Conor and Anna to Conor's car.

We walked slowly in the darkness that filled the city, the only light shining down from the street lights. "You didn't have to walk us to my car. Why didn't you stay with Chase?"

I shrugged. "I needed the fresh air, especially after that scare you gave me!" He just laughed, so I bumped myself into him.

"Don't go falling for me, Ally!" I laughed and we had finally gotten to his car. "Go back to your boyfriend now. Don't want to keep him waiting."

"Fine. Lunch tomorrow?" He nodded and gave me a hug. I felt comfortable in his arms, not wanting to ever let go. "See you tomorrow, Concon." He and Anna waved at me before driving off. Once I lost sight of Conor's car, I walked back to my dorm only to find Chase fast asleep. I laughed and lay down next to him, puttting a blanket over us and slowly drifting off to sleep.


Sorry about not updating for a while! School is stressing as hell!

Enjoy this little chapter everyone! And enjoy the video on the side there :D --->

Love you all so much! (: x

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