Chapter 10

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The waitress sat us at a table to the far right corner, which I didn't mind. The place seemed hectic, so I wanted to be as far away as possible from everything to prevent an accident. Trust me, I've seen everything from a waiter dropping dishes to a food fight gone totally wrong. If there were to be one today, at least I would be far from all the action. That also gave me an advantage in case I wanted to join in: nobody would guess the strangers sitting away from everybody would do it.

The restaurant was a nice, cool blue all over. It seemed to represent the ocean because there were surfers and sea creatures painted on the walls. There were also many flowers and a map of Hawaii, which gave away that this was a Hawaiian restaurant.

Conor ordered a shrimp cocktail for himself while I ordered tilapia and Anna ordered Manapua. They were some sort of dough balls the size of a fist with pork and chicken in them. I don't know how Anna was able to eat those things! They were twice her size!

Our food arrived at our table a few minutes later and we were digging in just a few seconds later. We were watching a hula-dancing competition while we ate and made some small talk.

"Ally, are you sure you're not Conor's girlfriend?" I almost choked on my food trying to shake my head. "It sure looks like it. I mean come on, he hasn't stopped looking at you like that ever since we got here!"

I turned to see Conor smiling at me, his cheeks turning red from what Anna had just said. "I'm being honest, Anna. Conor and I are just really good friends. He just looks at me like that so he can guilt me into sharing some of my tilapia!" I cut a piece of my tilapia and fed it to Conor as if he was a baby. "You see? That's all he wanted."

"I also wanted a kiss." I widened my eyes and signaled for him to stop because I didn't want Anna to keep assuming we were a couple. "What? I meant a kiss like the chocolate!" He reached his arm out and took a Hershey's kiss from a small bowl next to me.

I rolled my eyes and we continued eating, until we were interrupted by a waiter. He"Good evening. We wanted to know if you'd like to participate in our next activity for tonight. We're looking for couples to play and thought you both would like to join in."

I was about to refuse when Anna interrupted. "They'll do it!" The waiter nodded and motioned for us to follow behind him. "Hope you guys have fun!"

I pulled Conor closer to me so I can whisper in his ear. "When are you going to tell him that we really aren't a couple?"

"Chill out. You never know, this game might be fun." I rolled my eyes and just kept walking.

The waiter led us to the stage along with three other couples. Two of them were already a little aged, and I couldn't help but smile at how cute they looked! Yeah, I'm weird, get used to it.

The other couple was around our age, guessing from how they dressed and were all lovey dubby. Don't get me wrong, I like being lovey dubby, but there comes a point where there's way too much cuteness and you feel like puking. That was my feeling at the moment.

They came up to us and greeted us. "Hey, I'm David and this is my girlfriend, Tracy." We shook each other's hands.

"I'm Conor and this is my, um-" He stopped and turned to me, trying to decide whether he should act as if we were a couple or just friends. "This is Ally."

The host of this little show stepped onto the stage and the crowd starting cheering. I stood next to Conor, his hand in mine, and watched as Anna cheered along with the rest of the crowd.

"Welcome to Aloha!" What an original name. "We are pleased to introduce the four couples which will be competing tonight!" He turned and introduced us. "We have John and Becky, Louis and Kate, David and Tracy, and last but certainly not least, Conor and Ally!"

I turned to look at the couples as they bowwed when their names were called. By instinct, I did the same, which caused me to receive a weird look from Conor. "Don't mind me! I'm just playing along with what the others are doing." He chuckled and rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the host.

"Tonight, these four lovely couples are going to compete in a game of coconuts!" Waiters came from backstage and handed us eaxh a coconut, which we were supposed to place in between us at our hips. "The goal is to get the coconut in between your lips without touching it with your hands!" Easy peezy, lemon squeezy. "The first to do so will not be charged for tonight's dinner!"

Conor turned back to me. "Whoo! I guess it was a good thing I didn't bring my wallet with me!" I widened my eyes in shock, making him chuckle. "I'm just kidding! But seriously, a free meal sounds pretty good considering this place is kind of pricey."

I looked back at the host and waited for him to give us our cue to start. "Ready, steady, go!" I turned back to Conor and started moving.

We moved our hips up and down, trying to make the coconut go up a little, and had some pretty good luck. Before we knew it, the coconut was at our chests while the other couples had either not moved their coconuts or dropped them. For our first time playing a game like this, we were doing a pretty good job.

I moved down a bit so my lips were at chest level with Conor. I 'kissed' the coconut and moved back up again, trying to get it to come in contact with Conor's lips. I moved up slowly so as not to accidentally drop the coconut, which would cause us to forfit the game.

I had almost dropped the coconut when Conor moved suddenly, catching it at his neck. I pressed my lips back onto it and again made my way towards Conor's. It took me a bit to get it out of the crook of his neck, but I did it, which meant we had won!

"We have a winner!" The crowd cheered as Conor and I held the coconut with our lips, looking into each other's eyes as we did so. "Congratulations, Conor and Ally! You are tonight's winners of a free meal here at Aloha!"

I turned and saw the other couples leaving the stage. The older couples smiled and laughed while Tracy seemed to be furious with David for losing the game. I couldn't help but laugh at how she seemed so competitive! I wouldn't blame her, though; I'm very competitive myself!

Just then, the host, who I now noticed was named Alan by his nametag, came up to us. "Congratulations guys. So, how long have you two been a couple?"

I turned to Conor with my eyes widened, hoping he would answer. "Actually, we're not a couple." The crowd gasped as if this was some sort of soap opera or something, making it hard for me to hold in my laughter. "Well, not yet at least."

I turned back to face Conor. "What are you talking about, Concon?" He signaled for me to play along and I nodded. "Is there something you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Yes there is, Ally." He raised my head to look into his eyes and held my hands. "Ally, you're an amazing girl, and I was very lucky to meet you. The way you're so carefree and spontaneous is amazing, and you are the reason I wake up in the morning. I know we've only known each other since the start of uni, so feel free to say no to this." He cleared his throat. "Ally Moore, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

I let out a few tears of joy and smiled. "Yes! Yes, I'll be your girlfriend!" I hugged him and held him tight. The crowd seemed to buy it because even some of them were crying tears of joy.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The crowd was cheering very loud, so we had no choice but to give each other a quick kiss on the lips. The cheering became louder and we walked off the stage, trying to prevent our eardrums from bursting!

We walked back to the table to get Anna and made our way out to the car. "I knew you guys were a couple! I told you I knew!"

Conor sighed. "I guess you found out our secret! For that, you get an ice cream cone!" She cheered and we made our way to the ice cream place near Conor's house.

When we got to the house, Conor's mom had already arrived, so we just dropped off Anna. Conor whispered something to his mom and she looked at me, but I just shrugged it off. From there, we made our way back to uni, just in time for a scary movie marathon, to which I fell asleep at who knows what time.


Another update! :D

I put that picture over there ---> 

because it reminded me of Ally and Conor's 'friendship'

So here ya go! Enjoy! Love you all so much! (: x

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