Chapter 8

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I decided to walk to class alone today to think about everything that happened last night. I stayed up until three in the morning; I couldn't sleep with everything spinning around in my mind. It gave me a massive headache, so I took some pain medicine and knocked out no more than five minutes later. The problem? I woke up late and, again, didn't have anything to eat this morning. At least I didn't have an appointment with the doctor until Friday, which was three days away. I'd have enough time to get myself healthy again.

When I got to class, I sat next to Conor, who was sitting next to a tall, maybe 18- or 19-year-old guy with black, short hair and green eyes. He was wearing a light blue polo, paired with black jeans and white converse just like mine, except his had what I presumed to be his initials stitched in the back. He was pretty good-looking if I do say so myself.

Conor paused their conversation and turned to greet me. "Ally!" He gave me a kiss on the cheek, making me blush a bit. "Oh, this is Tristan, by the way. He's from California, just like you."

He stood up and shook my hand, sitting back down after he did. I took out my bottle of water and started sipping on it. "Wow Conor, your girlfriend is gorgeous."

I spit out all the water I had in my mouth, which caused them to give me some pretty weird facial expressions. I covered my water bottle with the cap and put it on the seat next to me, wiping my mouth quickly with the sleeve of my sweater. "Conor and I are just really good friends. I actually have a boyfriend; his name is Chase."

"Chase? Chase, as in, Chase Sommers?" I nodded my head, wondering how in the world he knew Chase since he has class on the other side of the campus. "But he-"

"He what?" I asked, confused. He whispered in Conor's ear, totally ignoring my question.

Conor turned to me and whispered in my ear. "I have to talk to you later. Right now, just focus on class." He nibbled on my ear a bit, making my back arch slightly with delight. "Then, we can finish what we started last night." I giggled and turned to the front of the class. Ms. Rose was about to begin her lecture, so I took out a pencil and my notebook.

Throughout class, I couldn't stop thinking about what Tristan was going to say before I had interrupted him. I could tell something was up because he and Conor were quiet the rest of the class. I shrugged it off and started getting ready to go get something to eat at Starbucks. I figured an iced coffee and a muffin or two would control my hunger until the end of my last class.

I made my way out towards Starbucks, when Conor ran up to me from behind me and took my arm, making me run behind him. He led me into a building and we ran into a janitor's closet. It was full of cleaning supplies, which caused us to be a little short on space. I was trying to get in a more comfortable position, when I tripped and almost fell flat on my face, but Conor caught me right on time.

I giggled and stood back up, which was when Conor collided his lips with mine. He let go after just a few seconds. "You don't know how much I wanted to do that in class." He kissed me again; this time, with even more force. I swear I would've fallen if Conor didn't have his arm around my waist the whole time.

I pushed him back a bit, separating our lips. "I didn't break up with Chase."

Conor sighed and let go of me. "Oh God, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I wouldn't have if I knew. I'm so, so sorry."

I shrugged and put my hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Concon. To tell you the truth, I quite enjoyed this." I winked and gave him a kiss on the cheek, making my way out of the janitor's closet, him following behind me after we were sure nobody was around to see us. "I'm going to Starbucks before my next class. Want to join me?" He nodded and we made our way to the Starbucks on campus.

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