Chapter 3

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The next day I almost got run over by Asta, who was cleaning the floors, as I stepped out of my room.

'Right chore-magedon round 52 starts today.'

At that moment Captain Yami came around the corner and said:

"Ah, Beckie there you are, I have a mission for you."

"Really what is it?" I asked hungrily

"A group of bandits stole multiple pieces of jewellery, and we got called on to catch them. Perfect first mission don't you think? Nice and simple"

He chuckled and walked off, presumably to let one out.

As I stepped outside to leave Luck was standing there waiting for me

"Finally! You kept me waiting!" He grinned up at me.

"I had no idea I was getting a partner," I admitted honestly

"Yami just assigned me the mission and left."

"Well the main thing is you're here now." He said and smiled

"Let's go!"

He picked me up suddenly and started running at lightning speed.

I think we were about halfway when it went click in Luck's head.

"Is this okay for you?" He asked worried

"I should've asked earlier, but I got so excited..."

He trailed off as he saw me nod and I tightened my grip around his neck completely at ease even though I had only met him yesterday.

We arrived at the jewellers and looked around the crime scene.

"We can assume they have a spatial mage, everything looks intact and undamaged." I reported once I was finished surveying the area.

"Well, then they'll be harder to track, oh goodie! I do love a good challenge, just like when I first started."


"Yeah, when I first joined Yami would always make these fake crimes and have me solve them, it was so much fun! You should see if he'll do some for you." Luck explained.

"What if this is one?" I ask tentatively, not wanting to ruin Luck's fun.

"Nah, Yami would never actually harm anything or anyone for our little game."

"Oh look, footprints!" I screamed and pointed

"Quick, let's follow them!" He screamed

"Why are we screaming?" I screamed

"I have no idea." He said and laughed.

We followed the footprints until we got to an alley. I suddenly stopped remembering what had happened to me in an alley like this.

"Luck, I don't know if I can do this..."

"What do you mean?" He asked, worried.

"I just had a bad experience with narrow alleys."

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

"I might as well, it's kind of silly otherwise, isn't it?"

"There's nothing 'silly' about being afraid of something."

"When we were younger, my brother and I, mum would send us shopping at the marketplace and one time we got a little lost and ended up being robbed and beaten, my magic was nowhere near powerful enough, and Faris tends to forget his spells under pressure." I explained my fear.

"It's all my fault!" I sobbed and suddenly started crying.

"What? How could any of that have been your fault?" Luck asked incredulously.

"If I'd started my training sooner, I could've protected us, and I wouldn't have this stupid fear of alleyways." I cried, sinking to the floor.

"That is complete baloney." Lucky said sitting down next to me.

"How were you meant to have known you'd be ambushed? And you have a right to be scared, especially after that experience. Besides, it's just cowardly to ambush kids, so that you know 100% that you'll win." He said putting an arm around me and pulling me close.

"Is that where you got this from?" He asked, rolling up my sleeve and pointing to a scar that went up to my elbow.

"Huh? Oh that." I hurriedly pull down my sleeve and try to think up a new topic, not wanting to talk about it yet.

After what felt like a couple centuries I started shivering, as it was getting darker, Luck noticed and suggested we go home. All I could do was nod.

*Meanwhile at the end of the alley*

Finral sat clutching his knees, teeth chattering.

'Where could they be??' He thought

'They're not that stupid, are they? Where else could they have followed the footprints to? God, I swear this is the last time I will help Yami with one of these 'fake missions'.'

A few weeks passed and I couldn't stop thinking about my scar. Ever since Luck had pointed it out, I'd realized how little I thought about it and how moody and distant I could be. And now that it was the only thing I could think about, I had to talk about it with someone. I looked and asked around and eventually found Luck sitting on the roof.

"I got it from my father."

"Huh?" He was clearly confused as to what I was talking about.

Instead of just saying 'my scar' I decided to make a huge show out of it and started slowly pulling up my sleeve.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to..." He trailed off, he was trying to hide his curiosity but he was clearly interested.

"It looks bad," he said instead

"I doubt even Own could heal this."

"Yeah, it's a scar, dummy! They don't get healed."

"Well Owen can give back amputated body parts, so a scar shouldn't be a problem."

I looked up into his eyes which were filled with worry but there was something more, but I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was

"This is going to sound cliché, but this is how it really happened: when I was younger, dad would always run off and get drunk under the slightest amount of pressure or sense of responsibility. And one night he didn't come home, so I went out to look for him..."

"Sorry, but how old were you?"

"I was 12.....and home alone. Faris was at his friend's house....anyway, I found him in his favourite pub, he was so wasted, I don't think he knew what he was doing, at least I hope not."

I shuddered and took a deep breath.

"He had a knife, I had and still have no idea where he got it from. I tapped him on the shoulder, so he'd realise that I was there, but I must've surprised him, because he spun around so fast the knife caught my skin and, well, it slashed." I traced down my forearm

"I don't know whether he half knew what he did, or whether life was just too much or what, but he then stabbed himself, right through the heart and then dumbass 12 year old me thought pulling the knife out would help, so he died of blood loss and not because he'd been stabbed through the heart. The funny thing is he might have survived, considering how blunt the knife was."

"Well, I think you're a brave person, talking about something like that, it can't be easy, but it feels good, right? Like a burden has been lifted or something?"

I giggled, he was right, I did feel better, I even started wearing short sleeved shirts and dresses, which I hadn't before because I was too self-conscious about a scar.

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