Chapter 16

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As I got back to the base, Luck was sitting on the sofa waiting for me.

"Beckie! I'm so sorry. Did I mess it up badly?"

"Not at all. I finally got to embarrass my brother," I smiled, remembering the look on Faris' face.

"Beckie, come here. I need to talk with you about something," Yami said as he entered the room.

"Okay?" I replied wondering what it could be.

"Give me a second. I'll be right back, Luck"

"Yeah, of course."

I joined Captain Yami in the corridor.

"I'm making you the Vice Captain of the Black Bulls."

"Huh?" I stared.

"I'm making you the Vice Captain of the Black Bulls." Yami repeated.

"But I'm the newest."


"Wouldn't it make more sense to appoint the position to Finral or Gordon or someone who's been here longer?"

"You know what they're like. Besides, it's not about being here the longest. It's about a sense of responsibility and you're the most sensible out of all of us."

"What would I have to do?"

"Paperwork mainly, but if something happened to me you would take over as leader," he turned and started walking away.

"But you can boss the others around already."

I walked back into the other room, staring into space and plopped myself onto the sofa.

"What did he want?" Luck inquired, waking me up from my little daze.

I turned to look at him and said, my voice hitching in my throat:

"He made me Vice Captain of the Black Bulls."

And being the goofball that he is Luck replied with:

"What is your first order, oh high and mighty Rebecca?"

He finished off with a silly bow. It was funny to watch how serious he was trying to be, but he was grinning the whole time. I couldn't help but laugh.

"My first order is for you to stop addressing me like that!"

"We have to celebrate."

"Do we?" I said, not really liking the idea of having a giant party thrown in my honor.

"I have an idea, though hear me out. What if we went around and gave orders to everyone and just watched their reaction. They'll probably be like 'But I have seniority!' and then you'll be like 'Do you though?'"

"You're right, that does sound fun."

Just then Zora arrived.

"Zora, get me something to drink."

"Shut it, squirt, you're my junior!"

"How would I be able to change that?"

"If you became Vice- of course he gave that position to you."

"Congratulations, Beckie la." Charmy said emerging from the kitchen.

"Yeah, y-you r-really deserve it." Grey said, transforming into herself from a cup.

"Eep! It's too embarrassing!" She transformed back.

In the next room all the other boys were playing cards. Well, Henry was watching from a safe distance.

"Finral, take me into town."

"Fine, I still have seniority though."

"Do you, though?"

"Well yeah, the only person above me apart from Yami would be - oh, I see."

"Gooood jooob, Beeeckie." Henry said from his corner.

"I knew you could do it, from the very start, it was either going to be you or my best friend, Asta."

"Congrats, I guess." Magna said briefly.

"Does this mean you can give me more days off to visit Marie?" Gauche asked, only ever thinking about his sister.

"I don't get it. What happened?" Asta asked.

"I'm the Vice Captain now, Asta."

"Then I'll just wait for you to become Captain and then I'll become Vice Captain! As long as I beat Yuno I don't care how long it takes me."

We had to wander around a bit to find Vanessa, eventually we found her drunk and K.O.ed in her room.

Noelle was also in her room. I decided not to beat around the bush with her.

"Noelle? I have something to tell you."

"Beckie? What is it?" Noelle asked, standing up and walking over to me.

"Yami just made me Vice Captain."

"Oh Beckie, that's great!" Noelle congratulated me.

I hugged her tightly, at first she was shocked but she hugged me back.

"I'm glad you're my best friend." I whispered.

"I am?" She asked as we parted.

"Well, uh that's the way I see you." I remarked, suddenly nervous. I hadn't thought about the fact that the feeling mightn't be mutual.

"Oh I'm so glad! I also see you like that, but I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if we were best friends or just friends, you might be able to tell, but I haven't had many."

"Neither have I, well I had the kids from the church back in Hage, but I wouldn't count them as friends. They were mainly just play mates."

"Doesn't Asta come from Hage as well?"

"Yes, do you want some embarrassing stories?"

"Go on then."

I spent the rest of the evening with Noelle laughing and talking.

Lightning In A Bottle (Luck Voltia x OC)Where stories live. Discover now