Chapter 13

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"You guys have been working really hard, so I'm going to give you the weekend off. You should be prepared to come back at the flick of a wrist in case something happens," Yami left immediately after he'd made his announcement and the room burst into life.

"Do you know any good places to spend a weekend?" I looked at Luck.

"We could always go to Raquey. It's a beautiful beach and the weather is always nice, all year round."

"Beach? I've never been."

"Even more reason to go!" Luck jumped up, extending his hand to me.

"What do I need?"

"Just a bathing suit and maybe some sun cream, we can buy the rest there."

B-b-bathing suit?? My face went crimson, realizing that I had never seen anyone here in less than their normal clothes, apart from Vanessa of course.

"Well, I should probably go buy one then." I said edging myself towards the door.

"I'll come too! I need some new trunks anyway."

A while later Luck, Noelle, Finral and myself emerged from the swimwear shop all clutching our new bathing suits.

*In Raquey*

"Wow! It really is gorgeous!" I exclaimed, taking in the view. The golden sand stretched as far as the eye could see and the sea even further.

"Come on! I see some free spots!" Luck said and sprinted off to reserve them as we wandered over enjoying the sand in-between our toes.

As soon as I had draped my towel over the back of my sun lounge, Luck grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the giant blue mass. He let go as we reached the shore, sensing my uncertainty.

"You ok?"

"I guess. I think I'll just stay here for now."

"Your loss!" He said, running into the water completely soaking me.

I stayed in the shallows for a while longer until I got bored and started heading back to my sun lounge. Luck noticed and waded out and caught up to me.

"Hey. Where are you going?"

"Back to the lounges?" I said, turning around. That's when I saw them. Luck's abs, perfectly toned and the water dripping off them just made them even hotter. I just stared.

"Why? You can come swim with us, you know."

"I can't though."

"Well go and take off your shirt then."

"That's not it, Luck. I can't. I never learnt how to."

"What can't you do? Swim?" He said, laughing.

I knew it, I should never have come in the first place. How I thought I'd survive a weekend at the beach without swimming, I had no idea. I just turned and ran. Ran all the way back to the hotel. Ran up to the room, throwing myself on the bed, wailing. Asta had also come with us and gone ahead to check us all into the rooms.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, you know." A voice said from above me.

"But it is! I'm a 19 year old woman who can't swim." I said turning over, seeing Asta, not Luck who I had expected.

"When were you meant to have learned? We didn't have a pool or a lake back in Hage."

"I suppose you're right." I said, drying my nose.

"Then why are you crying?" Asta asked, rubbing my back.

At that moment Luck arrived still dripping wet from the ocean.

"Beckie! There you are! Why did you run off like that?"

"Because you hit the nail on the head."

"You really can't swim? But why are you crying about that?"

"Because you laughed at me!"

"I wasn't laughing at you. How was I meant to know that you actually couldn't swim? We never talked about it before."

"Really?" I asked, my eyes lighting up slightly.

"Really." He said, reassuring me.

"Besides, we can teach you guys."

We spent the rest of the day learning simple strokes like crawl and backstroke. We got a few weird looks from passers-by. Most people learn how to swim during their childhood after all.

Over the next few hours I learnt how to dive and how to do breaststroke.

Lightning In A Bottle (Luck Voltia x OC)Where stories live. Discover now