Chapter 18

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Even weeks after the whole thing with Mercy, Luck was still being weird. He was still chirpy and smiling all the time but it's different. Normally he'd cling to me like a barnacle but now... he wouldn't. I mean I've known him for a while now, so I know when something's off. The others haven't really noticed, either they don't know him as well as I do (which I doubt because most of them have known him longer than I have) or they know what's going on and are really good at hiding it. I decided to confront Henry about it - after all, he would know if anything was going on.

While I made my way to his room, I realized I'd barely seen Mercy, either. After Luck had confronted him it seemed as though he disappeared between mealtimes.

I wasn't lonely, I still had Noelle and Vanessa, after all - but I did miss him. He was a good friend.

I approached Henry's room and suddenly I heard someone - Henry?? - laughing.

"Henry?" I called, opening the door and peeking inside.

"Oh, Beckie!" said Mercy, beaming up at me. I stared at him.

Apparently Mercy had been hanging out with Henry the past few weeks.

"Oh, hi, Mercy. I didn't know you were here?" I said, leaving the sentence open as a question.

"Ah, yeah, only Asta, Charmy and Henry know so far. And you, I guess."

Henry smiled. "He'"

He looked so happy that I had to smile back.

"I wanted to ask Henry something, if that's okay," I said, stepping inside. "In private." I added.

Mercy nodded and left. I took his place next to Henry's bed.

"" asked Henry.

"Uhh. Luck's kinda been acting weird. Do you know why?"

Henry thought for a moment.

"I....can', it's....a....secret." he answered finally.

I sighed.

"Oh. Okay. Well....thank you, anyway. I should go now...."

Henry waved as I stood up and left. Outside, Mercy asked me:

"Did you get what you needed? Also, can you get Charmy to bring up some more food? I'm hungry."

I nodded.

"Yeah, sure. And I didn't get what I needed, but it doesn't really matter, I guess."

"Okay." answered Mercy, ducking back inside Henry's room.

I made my way back downstairs, unsure what to make of Henry's minimal information.

Mercy was friends with Luck and Henry now.

I wished I'd thought of asking him, although it would probably have only gotten me the same answer.

*That night*

It was the dead of night.

Luck and I were on the roof, in our signature spot - the place where we had that picnic, and the place where Noelle, Vanessa and Finral got stuck in the trapdoor.

We were simply sitting in the moonlight. Neither of us were talking, just looking up at the star-dotted sky.

"Beckie....?" asked Luck suddenly, his voice cracking with nerves. I turned to look at him and realized he was looking away.

"I need to-"

And then I woke up.

I stared at the pitch black ceiling, processing the dream - no, the vision - I'd just had.

I sat up and suddenly I was terrified.

I'd never really seen Luck so nervous and that scared me. I started to put the pieces together.

Luck was avoiding me when he was usually clingy and affectionate. Everyone was refusing to give me any hint as to what was happening, even Henry.

Suddenly I knew what was going on.

Luck wanted to break up with me.

I glanced over to him, sleeping peacefully next to me.

He looked so adorable, so innocent. My heart leapt at the sight of him. I loved him so much and I'd thought everything was going well....I had never even considered that he would want to break up with me. Had I done anything wrong?

I remembered the bet that my friends had made way back when.

Did I do something obviously, painfully wrong, and was just too oblivious to notice it?

Panic gripped me. I half considered waking up Luck and asking him what I did wrong, but managed to hold myself back, my hand hovering over his shoulder.

I laid back down, staring at Luck's adorable face. I couldn't bear to lose him.

I couldn't avoid it now. I'd had the vision....there was no way to stop it now.

Lightning In A Bottle (Luck Voltia x OC)Where stories live. Discover now