Chapter 9

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I woke up with a start on Luck's birthday, he was still asleep next to me. Gosh he was so cute, at the moment I was more thankful than anything else towards Vanessa. I just sat and watched him for a few minutes. Eventually he stirred and woke up, looking straight into my face.

"Good morning, birthday boy." I said softly

"Lucky me, getting to wake up and the first thing I see is the most beautiful face in the world."

I was as red as a sunset.

"Oh stop it, you big flirt."

"But it's true!" He sat up, giving me a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Do you want your present now?"


"Mkay, can you go outside for a second? I have one more thing to do."

Confused as he was, Luck got up and left. As soon as he had closed the door, I pulled out a giant wrapped box that I had hidden under the bed and clambered inside.

"I'm ready!" I called.

Luck re-entered our room, closing the door behind him. He walked over to the giant gift that had popped up in the middle of the room. He opened it.

"Boo!" I shouted jumping up.

"You didn't have to wrap yourself up for me." He leaned in for a kiss but the box toppled over with me still inside.

Before I could hit the ground I was safely in the bed again, undoubtedly saved by Luck's lightning speed and reflexes.

"That isn't it yet."

"There's more? But I didn't ask for anything."

"Not true. For the rest of the week we're not going to leave each other's sides apart from a few obvious times like using the bathroom, changing our showering."

"This is the best birthday ever." He smiled at me and started coming in for a hug. I was quicker and met him in the middle with a kiss.

"You're just full of great ideas, aren't you?" He grinned at me.

The rest of the week went by with a lot of sneaky kisses from Luck. Whenever he did he would say:

"It's not my fault! You shouldn't look so damn delicious."

And whenever I had my hair over my shoulder, leaving the back of my neck exposed and we were alone, Luck would always deliberately fall behind just to kiss it.

Lightning In A Bottle (Luck Voltia x OC)Where stories live. Discover now