Chapter 11

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*Luck's POV*

I woke up on the floor. As I looked around I saw our bed vibrating. I stood up to get back into bed and that's when I saw it. Beckie, my newly declared girlfriend, was having a full on seizure. Not knowing what else I should do I jumped over the bed and tried shaking her awake. It didn't work.

"Beckie?" I tried communicating with her. No reaction

"BECKIE!" I shouted. I woke up some people from the neighbouring rooms and they came to see what was going on.

"Luck?" Someone mumbled.

"Someone get a doctor!" I screamed almost in tears.

"Why what's going on? Hang on, is the bed vibrating?"

"Yes, it is just go and get a damn doctor already!"

A couple hours later we were all sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. I had gone to get Faris and told him everything. Then a doctor came out of the room, her room.

"What is it, doc?" Yami asked, blunt as ever.

"Well she should be dead, her neck had bent way too far back but somehow, miraculously, she's not dead. At the moment she is in a coma."

"When will she be accepting visitors?" I asked, speaking out the question on everybody's mind.

"You can go in now, but only one person at a time."

In the meantime quite a crowd had gathered, even Yami's girlfriend (Nora Silva) and sister (Charlotte Sukehiro) had come. It was only just becoming clear to me just how many friends Beckie had made in under a year of being in the capital.

"Go on then, Luck. You should be the first." Faris nudged me.

"But you're her brother."

"You're way more important to her, I'm just her dumb, stinky older brother." Faris said, goofy as always.

I looked around the waiting room and everyone was nodding in agreement. So I took a deep breath and went in. There she was just lying there, completely inanimate. I don't really know what to say to someone in a coma, so I just said something.

"I didn't realise how many friends you had. Even the Vice Captain of the Silver Eagles is here and Yami's sister because apparently he has one," I tried laughing but I couldn't.

Everyone eventually got their turn and it became an obligatory task to come and check on her every now and then, I came almost every day. Some days I couldn't bring myself to just sit and stare at her.

*3 months later*

It was one of the days that I could bring myself to visit Beckie.

"It's been 3 months now, princess. We all miss you, please wake up soon." I kissed her on the forehead and started to leave.

"Where are you going, my prince." Her voice faltered as her eyes fluttered open.

"Beckie?" I ran over and embraced her, crying with joy

"You're awake, you're finally awake!"

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"I was having my death-vision and then I woke up here." She shrugged.

"That's it."

*Beckie's POV*

"You're what?!" Luck said at a normal volume, but his facial expressions told me he was having a hard time not to scream.

Lightning In A Bottle (Luck Voltia x OC)Where stories live. Discover now