Chapter 6

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The next day I met up with my brother. I arrived a little earlier and I leaned myself against a wall and waited.

"Hey, Beckie!" Someone greeted me directly in front of me, somehow I hadn't noticed them.

I looked up and almost didn't recognise my own brother. His hair had gotten shorter, which I found funny because Faris had always wanted long hair. He wore the Crimson Lion Cape with pride. He seemed to be looking me up and down too for any changes.

"I still can't believe that you got into a squad." I said breaking the silence.

"Well actually, I got picked by multiple squads."

"What made you pick the Crimson Lions?" We started walking aimlessly around town.

"Because that dude is mighty fine," he answered, smirking.

"Will you please just tell me who it is?"

"He's come up in my letters."

"Yeah, but never under a name! It was always 'him' or 'the best guy ever' or 'my dream guy' or 'he makes me want to die'." I said listing all the names I had heard instead of the actual name of Faris' crush.

"I'll make sure to write it in the next one."

We had arrived at the Town Square. We decided to sit down on one of the benches surrounding the fountain. Just as Faris had left to get us some snacks someone came up from behind me and covered my eyes and said:

"Guess who."

I knew that voice all too well.


"Correct!" He said jumping over the back of the bench with ease.

Just then Faris came back with two bags of what looked like popcorn, seeing Luck he asked:

"Should I go get another one?"

At this Luck's face darkened and he walked past Faris bumping his shoulder, making him drop one of the bags.

"Luck! What was that for?" I cried after him, but it was too late, he'd already disappeared into the crowd. I tried running after him, but I couldn't find him anywhere. As I returned and sat down with a frown on my face Faris handed me the half empty bag of popcorn.

"Just like at the movies when we were kids. "

"True, mum always made us share instead of us both having our own bag."

"Hey, what's up with that guy?" Faris asked me pointing up to a roof just opposite us

"Do you think he's watching us?"

I had to look around a bit, no-one could compete with Faris' eyesight, but eventually I found the spy. I recognised him immediately.

"Luck get down here!" I shouted, over half the marketplace must've heard me, but I didn't care. Luck started fleeing again (what was wrong with him today?) so before thinking twice I ran after him, using my briar magic I made a ladder up to the roofs and it was all easy going from there. As I looked down I could see Faris contemplating whether he could come. I made eye contact with him and signaled him to join me. He flung himself up and started running alongside me.

"So, who is this guy? Is it the Luck Voltia?"

"No, Faris, he's the captain of the Black Bulls." I said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Fortunately for us, Luck had run himself into a wall, giving us enough time to catch up with him.

"Luck, what the heckie peck is going on?"

"Don't let me be a damper on this date." He said completely convinced.

Faris and I looked at each other and laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Luck..." I managed to get out.

"Faris is my brother."

"But you guys look nothing alike."

"Not all siblings do." I pointed out

"You could've just asked instead of pulling this giant drama. Besides, you should know better than to go around making assumptions."

"Well, I'd best be off." Faris said, nudging me slightly making me topple over and Luck catches me so that I was sitting in his arms with one of them under my knees and the other at the top of my back. My face was burning.

"Beckie, are you okay? You're really hot."

"Yea... I'm fine"

It must've only just gone click in Luck's head, because he added hastily:

"As in your temperature, you're warm, as in like a fever, not that you're not hot as in pretty but, it's a funny thing temperature isn't it?"

He goes on for a while and I just stared at him.

"I'm rambling aren't I?"

I silenced him by pressing my lips against his. He kissed me back.

"You do not know how long I've been wanting to do that." He said his forehead resting against mine.

"About 6 months?" I asked.

He just nodded.

"Well I'm going to leave you lovebirds now."

"Faris? You've been here the whole time?!" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, I just wanted to know when Luck would put you down, you're not exactly the lightest thing in the world." He said, giving me a cheeky grin.

I looked down only to realise I was still in Luck's arms.

At this he put me down gently.

"Well I'm sure we'll see each other again soon." He said walking off and I noticed something I hadn't noticed for the whole day.

"Faris, you have a ponytail." I said.

"No shit, Beckie."

At this we both just laughed.

Lightning In A Bottle (Luck Voltia x OC)Where stories live. Discover now