Chapter 20

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The next day went by in a haze. I did a lot of my paperwork that I hadn't been doing, which took up most of the day. By the time I was finished it was late afternoon.

"Beckie, do you want to play a round?" Vanessa asked, holding up a deck of cards.

"Only if you play normally." I replied, remembering that Vanessa had a tendency to bring in new rules in the middle of a game.

"What do you mean? I always play normally."

"I mean we'll discuss the rules beforehand and we can't change them until the next round."


After a few rounds of cards Charmy came in and asked:

"Beckie, la. Can you bring this food up to Mercy, la?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm presuming he's with Henry."

Charmy nodded and scurried back into the kitchen.

I walked up to Henry's room and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Mercy's voice asked.

"It's Beckie, I have more food for you."

Mercy came over and opened the door, taking the food.


"Any time." I turned to go.

"Oh by the way Luck told me to send you to the roof if I saw you."

"Oh, ok," I sounded normal but internally I was panicking.

I pulled myself together and climbed up the ladder that led to the roof. Luck was sitting down so I sat down next to him.

We were simply sitting in the moonlight. Neither of us were talking, just looking up at the star-dotted sky.

"Beckie....?" asked Luck suddenly as he got up, his voice cracking with nerves. I also got up to get a better look at him and realized he was standing a few metres further down the roof and looking in the opposite direction.

"I need to ask you something."

"What is it?" I asked.

I was confused now, I mean you don't ask someone to break up, do you? I'd never been in a relationship before so I had no idea.

"We've known each other for two years now." He continued.

"But it feels like I've known you my whole life."

I nodded so that he knew I was still listening.

"Beckie, I love you today and I want you tomorrow, but the thing is I need you for the rest of my life and it would make me the happiest man alive if..." Luck paused and got down on one knee.

"You would become my Mrs Voltia." He said and pulled out and opened a box with a flourish.

Inside was a beautiful silver ring with a small pink jewel. It must have cost him at least four months worth of salary.

"Yes, yes! A million times yes." I cried out, tears of relief and happiness streaming down my face.

"You better get started then." Luck said, smiling as he got up and slid the ring onto my finger. It fitted perfectly.

"I'm so relieved!" I remarked


"Well it's kind of silly, but I thought you were going to break up with me."

"First off, that's not silly and secondly, what made you think that?"

I explained everything. The visions, how everyone was acting weird and basically that everything had pointed in that direction.

"I may be daft sometimes, but I'd never be stupid enough to throw away something as perfect as you," Luck explained and kissed me.

Lightning In A Bottle (Luck Voltia x OC)Where stories live. Discover now